His names


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5 revisions
demo at Jun 09, 2015 07:55 AM


== His names. 115 ==

He byggicT also in his lyfe xij grete citee^ f>at hider-to-vvardej The twelve
bene enhabyt, and fis are j^aire names. Firste Alexander Ipat fj^^t he^ ^^^
es called? yprysilicas, f e secuwd Alexander es called" Bepyporitm, ^^^^^*-
4 )?e thrid? Alexander es callede Sitliia, pe ferthe Alexander es
called" Bicontristi, ]?e fifte Alexa??c/er es called" perauctoiD, fe sext
Alexar2<f^r es called? BuctiphaloiD, pe seuent es called" vnder pe
ryuer of Tygre, pe aghtend'New Babiloyne, pe nyend'Aptreadam),
8 pe tend" Messagetes, pe elleuend? Ypsyacon), pe twelfed" es called

Explicit vita Alexandry magni conquestoris.
Here ende5 pe lyf of gret Alexander conquerour of all J?e
12 worlde.



His names. 115

He byggicT also in his lyfe xij grete citee^ f>at hider-to-vvardej The twelve
bene enhabyt, and fis are j^aire names. Firste Alexander Ipat fj^^t he^ ^^^
es called? yprysilicas, f e secuwd Alexander es called" Bepyporitm, ^^^^^*-
4 )?e thrid? Alexander es callede Sitliia, pe ferthe Alexander es
called" Bicontristi, ]?e fifte Alexa??c/er es called" perauctoiD, fe sext
Alexar2<f^r es called? BuctiphaloiD, pe seuent es called" vnder pe
ryuer of Tygre, pe aghtend'New Babiloyne, pe nyend'Aptreadam),
8 pe tend" Messagetes, pe elleuend? Ypsyacon), pe twelfed" es called

Explicit vita Alexandry magni conquestoris.
Here ende5 pe lyf of gret Alexander conquerour of all J?e
12 worlde.
