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4 revisions
StephanieJoWebb at Apr 18, 2020 03:42 PM

Page 109

===To Stew a Rump of Beef=== Stuff it with forcemeat then half roast it or put it into the oven then put it into a stew pan with two quarts of water two or three blades of mace a head of garlich two spoonfuls of walnut catchup a little cayenne peppers & salt let this stew over a gentle fire for 20 hours closely covered then take out the beef skin off the fat and strain the gravy you mayput morels and brown mushrooms if you like it striches your gravy and put a little red wine to your taste garnish with horseradish & by forcemeat balls around the dish. ===To Fricasee chickens=== Skin your chickens and lay skin in warm water and dry them in cloth, cut them and put them into a stew pan with a blade of mace and do but just cover them with water, stew them till they are tender then strain the liquorand put them into a pan again with a little cream & a yolk of an egg, stir it [?] and dish it up

To Stew a Rump of Beef
Stuff it with forcemeat then half roast
it or put it into the oven then put it into
a stew pan with two quarts of water two
or three blades of mace a head of garlich
two spoonfuls of walnut catchup a little
cayenne peppers & salt let this stew over
a gentle fire for 20 hours closely covered
then take out the beef skin off the fat and
strain the gravy you mayput morels and
brown mushrooms if you like it striches
your gravy and put a little red wine
to your taste garnish with horseradish
& by forcemeat balls around the dish.
To Fricasee chickens
Skin your chickens and lay skin in warm
water and dry them in cloth, cut them
and put them into a stew pan with a
blade of mace and do but just cover them
with water, stew them till they are tender
then strain the liquorand put them into a
pan again with a little cream & a yolk
of an egg, stir it [?] and dish it up


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