Page 111


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4 revisions
kconnor at Apr 19, 2020 12:16 AM

Page 111

and let it bake in a slow oven ten hours
when cold take the paste off
Carrot Soup
Scrape a dozen carrots clean and cut
them in thin slices, then wash them clean
take about half a dozen onions and put
them into a stew pan with the carrots, half
a pd of butter set them on the fire and
cook them slow for two or three hours
then put some good broth as much
as you think will do, then let them
stand simpering till they are quite
tender then take them out & rub them
through a sieve then put it on the
fire to boil up and season it to your
taste and if too thick add some more


Page 111

and let it bake in a slow oven ten hours
when cold take the paste off
Carrot Soup
Scrape a dozen carrots clean and cut
them in thin slices then wash them clean
take about half a dozen onions and put
them into a stew pan with the carrots, half
a lb of butter set them on the fire and
cook them slow for 20 or more hours
then put some good broth as much
as you think will do then let them
just simpering till they are quite
tender then take them out and rub them
through a sieve then put it in the
fire to boil up and season it to your
taste and if too thick add some more
