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For ye Stone
Take Juice of Brookelime watercresses and
Scurvigrass of Each one Pint Juice of Sorrill
halfe A Pint Horse Raddish Roots and White
Bryany Root Sliced and Bruised of each 4 [?]
Nutmeggs Bruised halfe an ounce cloves bruised
one ounce Celadine 2 good handfull's Germander
one good handfull strong bear 2 quarts distill
all together in a could still distill of 3 Pints
together and then A Pint more let ye afforesaid
ingredients Infuse 24 Houres before you begin to
still ym Paist your still and let it be well dry'd
before you begin tie a wett Bladder about ye
Pipe of ye still yt goes into ye 3 Pint Bottle yt
no spirit may Evapporate take one spoonfull
of this in your small bear, this antescorbutick
Water being so drunk will prevent scurvie
Dropsie joundas and Gout with other distempers
[Joseph Troutbeck]
For A Cough
Take 8 large Turnip's Pared and Sliced very
thin. 1 handfull of Sweet Hoarhound 1 penny worth
of maden Hysope Water 1 lb of white sugar candy
beaten to Powder, 1 lare of turnips and after a
lare of sugar candy 1 lare of Hearbs and after
that a lare of Turneps and Lastly ye water
Poured out is a very good Electuary and
will both heal and Lousen