Page 362


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5 revisions
Stanford Libraries at Apr 24, 2020 11:09 PM

Page 362

To Make Sweet Pill's the Best way
Take 4 Pound of Pure hard Sugar and make it to
fine Powder; then dissolve 6 ounces of the Juice of Liquorice
in 1 Pint of good Hissop water till it be indifferant
thick Put this Juice thus desolved into A clean morter
and mix in it of Muske Civet and Ambergrease of
Each 4 graines Rubing them to Small Powder with an
ounce or 2 of white Candy and then Stir them well together
with the Juice in A morter and as you mingle them
drop in to them 30 Drops of Chimicall oyle of Aniseed's
then Put to them by degrees the 4 [?] of Powdered Sugar
Above Sayd and beat all very Strongly together till
it come into A Paist fitt to be formed into Pills
with your fingers then Keep them very dry for use


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