Page 346


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8 revisions
Stanford Libraries at Apr 27, 2020 09:08 PM

Page 346

A Balsome to Cure A Green Wound
Take Sallett Oyle venus Turpentine of Each one
Pint Putt the Same into A Glass with A narro Mouth
then Putt thereto of these Flowers following in
their Season the Flower's of cammomile Red Roase
Budd's and bugel's flowers of Each one Handfull of the
St. Jones Wort 3 Handfulls the Flowers of [centwary?]
and Calladyne of Each Halfe A Handfull mix them
Amongst the Rest and Stop the glass clsoe and Sett them
in the Sunn Two Moneth's and use the leaves and Allas
it is in the Glass this balsome will heal any green
Wound Approve'd

To Wash the Wound
Take A Pint of white Wine one ounce of mastick
Seeth them together a good While then wash the
Sore or wound with it; which is very good

For A Burne
Take a good Handfull of marregould Leaves A handfull
of Sheeps Dung A good quantety of Alehoofe A handfull
of Houselinke Stamp them Small and boyle these together
in A quart of Thick creame or if you will Keep it long
Boyle it in Boares grease and may Butter the Quantety
of A Pint of Each and boyle it to A thick oyntment
So Straine it out and Anoint with A Feather as oft you


Page 346

A Balsome to Cure A Green Wound
Take Sallett Oyle venus Turpentine of Each one
Pint Putt the Same into A Glass with A narro Mouth
then Putt thereto of these Flowers following in
their Season the Flower's of cammomile Red Roase
Budd's and bugel's flowers of Each one Handfull of the
St. Jones Wort 3 Handfulls the Flowers of [centwary?]
and Calladyne of Each Halfe A Handfull mix them
Amongst the Rest and Stop the glass clsoe and Sett them
in the Sunn Two Moneth's and use the leaves and Allas
it is in the Glass this balsome will heal any green
Wound Approve'd

To Wash the Wound
Take A Pint of white Wine one ounce of mastick
Seeth them together a good While then wash the
Sore or wound with it; which is very good

For A Burne
