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To Make Sweet Pill's the Best way
Take 4 Pound of Pure hard Sugar and make it to
fine Powder; then dissolve 6 ounces of the Juice of Liquorice
in 1 Pint of good Hissop water till it be indifferant
thick Put this Juice thus desolved into A clean morter
and mix in it of Muske Civet and Ambergrease of
Each 4 graines Rubing them to Small Powder with an
ounce or 2 of white Candy and then Stir them well together
with the Juice in A morter and as you mingle them
drop in to them 30 Drops of Chimicall oyle of Aniseed's
then Put to them by degrees the 4 [?] of Powdered Sugar
Above Sayd and beat all very Strongly together till
it come into A Paist fitt to be formed into Pills
with your fingers then Keep them very dry for use
To Heal Eyes Pained with Hot Rume
The Skin being off
Take halfe a Pint of Spring water and as much
white copriss as A Hassell nutt beaten very Small Putt
it into the water being more than Luke warme . lett it
Stand on the fire untill there Arise A Skim, then take
it of with A Feather; and after you have So Skim'd
it Putt the water into A Glass And Every morning and
Eavening warme sSome of the water and with A
Fine Ragg bath the out Side of the Eyes and Temples
well let the Eyes be close Shut all the Time and the
water as Hott as can be Endured to doe no harme
And Shake the Glass Very time you use Itt
To make An [eesing?] Powder of Hearbs
Take a Little mastick Time. A Little common Time
A Little Roasemary Some Isa Rebeeka leaves dry them all
to Powder and Putt Some nutmegg to them