fol. 35v
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5 revisions | cristobal -oldfordham at May 19, 2015 11:35 PM fol. 35v1456 ===3 Tecpatl===
1457 ===4 Ācatl===
In īpan. 4. calli xihuitl moque-
Tzaco in quiyahuitl cenca tlamo-
Chīuh nohuiyān in tlapanco mochī-
uh tonacayōtl in cānin chitón on-
cān mochīuh in chiye in huahtli
in etl.
1458 ===5 Tōchtli===
1459 ===6 Ācatl===
1460 ===7 Tecpatl===
1456 ===3 Tecpatl=== 1457 ===4 Ācatl=== 1458 ===5 Tōchtli=== Translationfol. 35v===3 Tecpatl===
===4 Ācatl===
In īpan. 4. calli xihuitl moque-
Tzaco in quiyahuitl cenca tlamo-
Chīuh nohuiyān in tlapanco mochī-
uh tonacayōtl in cānin chitón on-
cān mochīuh in chiye in huahtli
in etl.
===5 Tōchtli===
===6 Ācatl===
===7 Tecpatl===
===3 Tecpatl=== ===4 Ācatl=== ===5 Tōchtli=== Translation |