fol. 21v


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11 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Jul 01, 2015 01:26 AM

fol. 21v

quitî ca zan ic ōniquimquelòca . Cencâ quim- motētzāhuìquê in mēxìcâ. Auh in nāhuin- tin zan oc huālyōltiyàquê in inmalhuān. àmo quittitìquê in tlàtohuāni in cōxcōx- tli niman ic quitlāllìquê in intlālmōmoz in om- pa tīzaāpan in ōquitlāllìquê niman quilhuī- tô in tlàtohuāni. In āxcān tlàtohuānié in totlālmomoz mā itlàtzin xitēchmoyōllò- tililicān .niman quìtô in tlàtohuāni. Ca ye cualli ōantlacnēlìquê mā quiyōllòtī- tî in tlamacazquê. Niman quinnāhuatì- quê in tlamacazquê quimilhuìquê In āxcān mā xiquinyōllòtiliti cuitlatl īhuān tzontli. Auh nō yèhuātl in pōxacuatl Niman quiyōllòtītô zan yohualtica. Auu niman quìtòquê in mē- xìcâ. Mā za[n] tiquittacān tlein ōtēchyōllòtīlìquê in to- tlālmomoz. Auh niman quittaquê in īyō- llô. Auh in ōquittaquê ca cencâ motlaō

quitî ca zan ic ōniquimquelòca . Cencâ quim-
motētzāhuìquê in mēxìcâ. Auh in nāhuin-
tin zan oc huālyōltiyàquê in inmalhuān.

àmo quittitìquê in tlàtohuāni in cōxcōx-
tli niman ic quitlāllìquê in intlālmōmoz in om-
pa tīzaāpan in ōquitlāllìquê niman quilhuī-
tô in tlàtohuāni. In āxcān tlàtohuānié in
totlālmomoz mā itlàtzin xitēchmoyōllò-
tililicān .niman quìtô in tlàtohuāni. Ca
ye cualli ōantlacnēlìquê mā quiyōllòtī-
tî in tlamacazquê. Niman quinnāhuatì-
quê in tlamacazquê quimilhuìquê In āxcān
mā xiquinyōllòtiliti cuitlatl īhuān tzontli.

Auh nō yèhuātl in pōxacuatl Niman
quiyōllòtītô zan yohualtica.

Auu niman quìtòquê in mē-
xìcâ. Mā za[n] tiquittacān
tlein ōtēchyōllòtīlìquê in to-
tlālmomoz. Auh niman quittaquê in īyō-
llô. Auh in ōquittaquê ca cencâ motlaō


When I gave them this task, it was all in jest. The deaths they're responsible for are a bad omen." Only four of the Mexicas' captives remained alive, but they didn't let the ruler Coxcoxtli see that. They set up their earth mound there in Tizaapan.

When I gave them this task, it was all in jest. The deaths they're responsible for are a bad omen."

Only four of the Mexicas' captives remained alive, but they didn't let the ruler Coxcoxtli see that. They set up their earth mound there in Tizaapan.

fol. 21v

quitî ca zan ic ōniquimquelòca . Cencâ quim- motētzāhuìquê in mēxìcâ. Auh in nāhuin- tin zan oc huālyōlti[y]àquê in inmalhuān. àmo quittitìquê in tlàtohuāni in cōxcōx- tli niman ic quitlāllìquê in intlālmōmoz in om- pa tīzaāpan in ōquitlāllìquê niman quilhuī- tô in tlàtohuāni. In āxcān tlàtohuānié in totlālmomoz mā itlàtzin xitēchmoyōllò- tililicān .niman quìtô in tlàtohuāni. Ca ye cualli ōantlacnēlìquê mā quiyōllòtī- tî in tlamacazquê. Niman quinnāhuatì- quê in tlamacazquê quimilhuìquê In āxcān mā xiquinyōllòtiliti cuitlatl īhuān tzontli. Auh nō yèhuātl in pōxacuatl Niman quiyōllòtītô zan yohualtica. Auu niman quìtòquê in mē- xìcâ. Mā za[n] tiquittacān tlein ōtēchyōllòtīlìquê in to- tlālmomoz. Auh niman quittaquê in īyō- llô. Auh in ōquittaquê ca cencâ motlaō

quitî ca zan ic ōniquimquelòca . Cencâ quim-
motētzāhuìquê in mēxìcâ. Auh in nāhuin-
tin zan oc huālyōlti[y]àquê in inmalhuān.

àmo quittitìquê in tlàtohuāni in cōxcōx-
tli niman ic quitlāllìquê in intlālmōmoz in om-
pa tīzaāpan in ōquitlāllìquê niman quilhuī-
tô in tlàtohuāni. In āxcān tlàtohuānié in
totlālmomoz mā itlàtzin xitēchmoyōllò-
tililicān .niman quìtô in tlàtohuāni. Ca
ye cualli ōantlacnēlìquê mā quiyōllòtī-
tî in tlamacazquê. Niman quinnāhuatì-
quê in tlamacazquê quimilhuìquê In āxcān
mā xiquinyōllòtiliti cuitlatl īhuān tzontli.

Auh nō yèhuātl in pōxacuatl Niman
quiyōllòtītô zan yohualtica.

Auu niman quìtòquê in mē-
xìcâ. Mā za[n] tiquittacān
tlein ōtēchyōllòtīlìquê in to-
tlālmomoz. Auh niman quittaquê in īyō-
llô. Auh in ōquittaquê ca cencâ motlaō


When I gave them this task, it was all in jest. The deaths they're responsible for are a bad omen." Only four of the Mexicas' captives remained alive, but they didn't let the ruler Coxcoxtli see that. They set up their earth mound there in Tizaapan.

When I gave them this task, it was all in jest. The deaths they're responsible for are a bad omen."

Only four of the Mexicas' captives remained alive, but they didn't let the ruler Coxcoxtli see that. They set up their earth mound there in Tizaapan.