fol. 22r
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8 revisions | cristobal -oldfordham at Jul 01, 2015 01:48 AM fol. 22rcoltìquê in quittaquê in cuitlatl ōquinyōllòtī-
llìquê in intlālmomoz niman quixitīnì-
quê In yèhuāntin mēxìcâ in quiyōllòtìquê
Huitztli īhuān acxoyātl. Auh in ōyēca-
uh niman quicōhuānōtzatô in tlàtohuāni.
Auh in ōhuāllâ niman ye quimitta in quim-
mictiâ in inmalhuān in quimitta in ī-
pan tlamictiâ zan moch yèhuātl in quetza-
llàpānehcāyōtl īhuān xiuhchīmalli que-
tzalpānitl in īpan tlamictiâ yēcê camo ne-l
li ca zan iuh quimitta. Īhuān īcpac qui-
tlāzquê in tlecuahuitl ic quixiptlayòtì-
quê in inxiuh molpî in chapoltepēc in a-
yamo quitlāzquê in intlecuauh in ìcuāc
yāōyahualōlōquê [.] in iuhqui ic mochīuh
zan ic cualānquê in yèhuātl in cōxcōxtli
quìtô. Āquìquê in camo tlācâ xiquintō-
tocacān. Niman ic quinhuāltōtocaquê
huālmìcuanìquê in ācatzintitlan in mēxì-
catzinco ācatlacuextica in huālpanōquê
tōlmātlapan huālyehetiaquê quimmīntihuītzê
coltìquê in quittaquê in cuitlatl ōquinyōllòtī- Translationthey became very said because they saw the feces they had gifted them for the earth altar. So they got rid of them. The Mexica themselves adorned the alatar with Huitztli and Acxoyatl. they became very said because they saw the feces they had gifted them for the earth altar. So they got rid of them. The Mexica themselves adorned the alatar with Huitztli and Acxoyatl. fol. 22rcoltìquê in quittaquê in cuitlatl ōquinyōllòtī-
llìquê in intlālmomoz niman quixitīnì-
quê In yèhuāntin mēxìcâ in quiyōllòtìquê
Huitztli īhuān acxoyātl. Auh in ōyēca-
uh niman quicōhuānōtzatô in tlàtohuāni.
Auh in ōhuāllâ niman ye quimitta in quim-
mictiâ in inmalhuān in quimitta in ī-
pan tlamictiâ zan moch yèhuātl in quetza-
llàpānehcāyōtl īhuān xiuhchīmalli que-
tzalpānitl in īpan tlamictiâ yēcê camo ne-l
li ca zan iuh quimitta. Īhuān īcpac qui-
tlāzquê in tlecuahuitl ic quixiptlayòtì-
quê in inxiuh molpî in chapoltepēc in a-
yamo quitlāzquê in intlecuauh in ìcuāc
yāōyahualōlōquê [.] in iuhqui ic mochīuh
zan ic cualānquê in yèhuātl in cōxcōxtli
quìtô. Āquìquê in camo tlācâ xiquintō-
tocacān. Niman ic quinhuāltōtocaquê
huālmìcuanìquê in ācatzintitlan in mēxì-
catzinco ācatlacuextica in huālpanōquê
tōlmātlapan huālyehetiaquê quimmīntihuītzê
coltìquê in quittaquê in cuitlatl ōquinyōllòtī- Translation |