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3 revisions | Kiwi2449 at May 12, 2021 03:38 AM PhillipsFamilyBox2_1H_010bIt requires great skill to converse with
Jesus and great skill to know how to keep
him but not the skill of men, nor the
wisdom of this world. Be humble and
peacefull and Jesus will come to Thee;
be devout & meek he will dwell
with Thee. It requires great skill to converse with PhillipsFamilyBox2_1H_010bIt requires great skill to converse with
Jesus and great skill to know how to keep
him but not the skill of men not the
wisdom of this world. Be humble and
peacefull and Jesus will come to thee
be devout & meek he will dwell
with thee. It requires great skill to converse with |