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8 revisions
Kdawg102 at May 31, 2021 08:31 PM


18 Jan 1908 A Faculty Meeting was held in the reception room at 3 p.m. Present Provost James, Professors Burgess, Tamblyn & Wallen The Minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed The Provost stated that the Senate has referred an appeal from F. Powell against the recision of the Professor of

18 Jan 1908
A Faculty Meeting was held in the reception room at 3 p.m.
Present Provost James, Professors Burgess, Tamblyn & Wallen

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read & confirmed
The Provost stated that the Senate has referred an appeal
from F. Powell against the recision of the Professor of


18 Jan 1908

18 Jan 1908