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5 revisions
Kdawg102 at Jul 08, 2021 06:30 PM


6 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1877 [underlined] Jany 18 (Rev) Evans Davis o 300 00 Westminster " A. Anthony o 300 00 Tuscarona[?] Feby 10 " R. Wilson o 300 00 Birr Jany 19 " Hugh Cooper ? 250 00 Listowell " 22 " C.C. Martian o 250 00 [struck out] Brant[ford] see p. 8 see page 8 June Inoge[?] Davis o 250 00 London May 11 Rev John Geneley o 250 00 " [double line] 1878 [underlined] March 29 " J.B. Richardson o 250 00 " June 18/77 " A. Tweatman 50 00 " (50p[??]r) (new Bishop of Toronto) [double line] 1879 [underlined] Jany 10 " I. Schulte ? 250 00 London " 13 (Ven) Archdeacon Ellwood o 250 00 Goderich " 29 R. Shaw Wood o 250 00 London [double line] 1880 [underlined] Feb 23rd (Rev W. Re[?]iner. ? 250 00 London [opposite page] 7 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. June 83[?] 300 00 300 00 180 00 [?]25 00 250 00 250 - Noes dur March 18 ( 200 00 250 00 250 00

Western University.
[Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.
1877 [underlined]
Jany 18 (Rev) Evans Davis o 300 00 Westminster
" A. Anthony o 300 00 Tuscarona[?]
Feby 10 " R. Wilson o 300 00 Birr
Jany 19 " Hugh Cooper ? 250 00 Listowell
" 22 " C.C. Martian o 250 00 [struck out] Brant[ford]
see p. 8 see page 8
June Inoge[?] Davis o 250 00 London
May 11 Rev John Geneley o 250 00 "
[double line]
1878 [underlined]
March 29 " J.B. Richardson o 250 00 "
June 18/77 " A. Tweatman 50 00 " (50p[??]r)
(new Bishop of Toronto)
[double line]
1879 [underlined]
Jany 10 " I. Schulte ? 250 00 London
" 13 (Ven) Archdeacon Ellwood o 250 00 Goderich
" 29 R. Shaw Wood o 250 00 London
[double line]
1880 [underlined]
Feb 23rd (Rev W. Re[?]iner. ? 250 00 London

[opposite page] 7
Western University.
[Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.
June 83[?]
300 00
300 00
180 00

[?]25 00
250 00

250 - Noes dur March 18
200 00

250 00
250 00


6 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1877 [underlined] Jany 18 (Rev) Evans Davis o 300 00 Westminster " A. Anthony o 300 00 Tuscarona[?] Feby 10 " R. Wilson o 300 00 Birr Jany 19 " Hugh Cooper ? 250 00 Listowell " 22 " C.C. Martian o 250 00 [struck out] Brant[ford] see p. 8 see page 8 June Inoge[?] Davis o 250 00 London May 11 Rev John Geneley o 250 00 " [double line] 1878 [underlined] March 29 " J.B. Richardson o 250 00 " June 18/77 " A. Tweatman 50 00 " (50p[??]r) (new Bishop of Toronto) [double line] 1879 [underlined] Jany 10 " I. Schulte ? 250 00 London " 13 (Ven) Archdeacon Ellwood o 250 00 Goderich " 29 R. Shaw Wood o 250 00 London [double line] 1880 [underlined] Feb 23rd (Rev W. Re[?]iner. ? 250 00 London

Western University.
[Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.
1877 [underlined]
Jany 18 (Rev) Evans Davis o 300 00 Westminster
" A. Anthony o 300 00 Tuscarona[?]
Feby 10 " R. Wilson o 300 00 Birr
Jany 19 " Hugh Cooper ? 250 00 Listowell
" 22 " C.C. Martian o 250 00 [struck out] Brant[ford]
see p. 8 see page 8
June Inoge[?] Davis o 250 00 London
May 11 Rev John Geneley o 250 00 "
[double line]
1878 [underlined]
March 29 " J.B. Richardson o 250 00 "
June 18/77 " A. Tweatman 50 00 " (50p[??]r)
(new Bishop of Toronto)
[double line]
1879 [underlined]
Jany 10 " I. Schulte ? 250 00 London
" 13 (Ven) Archdeacon Ellwood o 250 00 Goderich
" 29 R. Shaw Wood o 250 00 London
[double line]
1880 [underlined]
Feb 23rd (Rev W. Re[?]iner. ? 250 00 London