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3 revisions
Jannyp at Aug 15, 2021 07:45 PM


-24- / Mule / Fox enough I find the wash should not be continued too long I have rather overdone it. The Mule is a rather large Black about five years old. It will if it will get well, pay me something if it is not taken away. The guards barbecued the Fox and eat it during the day the one half & will eat the ballence tomorrow. 1865 Jan Mon 2 / Weather / Sick/ Soldiers gone / Gen Scroffied core battery &c left last night / Gards changed / Ryan / halling of rails The Wind changed to the South during the night but (verry cold Wind) the weather has moderated some. This morning it was cloudy about day light, but has cleared off or nearly so at 8 A.M. Jack Patton Monk & Jack all sick with Diore I went to Town about 12 oclock & was surprised to find all the troops from Rankins to Town gone. Went this morning all except what was left to command the post. The Gards, Kibby & Taylor as been called in & I braught out a Guard by the name of [gap] Ryan a verry good looking young man. I see there are wagons halling off our lane fence on both side of the rode on the turnpike next Town, the Campbellsville pike We are getting Wood, some halling to Town & some to the house Tu 3 / qurrel / wagon master The morning is clear Wind from the South & warm towards 12 it clouded up looked like rain I went to Town a greate many soldiers passing I got into an altercation with the wagon master that are halling our Cedar fence, settled amicably & he has promised to not disturb me any more greate trouble a trying to get safe guards the authorities are not accomodating


/ Mule / Fox
enough I find the wash should not be continued too long
I have rather overdone it. The Mule is a rather large Black
about five years old. It will if it will get well, pay me
something if it is not taken away.

The guards barbecued the Fox and eat it during the day the one
half & will eat the ballence tomorrow.

1865 Jan Mon 2 / Weather / Sick/ Soldiers gone / Gen Scroffied core battery &c left last night / Gards changed / Ryan / halling of rails

The Wind changed to the South during the night but (verry
cold Wind) the weather has moderated some. This morning it
was cloudy about day light, but has cleared off or nearly so
at 8 A.M. Jack Patton Monk & Jack all sick with Diore
I went to Town about 12 oclock & was surprised to find all
the troops from Rankins to Town gone. Went this morning all
except what was left to command the post. The Gards, Kibby &
Taylor as been called in & I braught out a Guard by the name
of [gap] Ryan a verry good looking young man. I see there are
wagons halling off our lane fence on both side of the rode on
the turnpike next Town, the Campbellsville pike We are getting
Wood, some halling to Town & some to the house

Tu 3 / qurrel / wagon master
The morning is clear Wind from the South & warm towards 12
it clouded up looked like rain I went to Town a greate many
soldiers passing I got into an altercation with the wagon
master that are halling our Cedar fence, settled amicably &
he has promised to not disturb me any more greate trouble a
trying to get safe guards the authorities are not accomodating


-24- Mule / Fox enough I find the wash should not be continued too long I have rather overdone it. The Mule is a rather large Black about five years old. It will if it will get well, pay me something if it is not taken away. The guards barbecued the Fox and eat it during the day the one half & will eat the ballence tomorrow. 1865 Jan Mon 2 Weather / Sick/ Soldiers gone / Gen Scroffied core battery & left last night / Guards changed / Ryan / halling of rails The Wind changed to the South during the night but (verry cold Wind) the weather has moderated some. This morning it was cloudy about day light, but has cleared off or nearly so at 8 A.M. Jack Patton Monk & Jack all sick with Diore I went to Town about 12 oclock & was surprised to find all the tropps from Rankins to Town gone. Went this morning all except what was left to command the post. The Gards, Kibby & Taylor as been called in & I braught out a Guard by the name of Ryan a verry good looking young man. I see there are wagons halling off our lance fence on both side of the rode on the turnpike next Town, the Campbellsville pike We are getting Wood, some halling to Town & some to the house Tu 3 quarrel / wagon master The morning is clear Wind from the South & warm towards 12 it clouded up looked like rain I went to tTown a great many soldiers passing I got into an altercation with the wagon master that are halling our Cedar fence, settled amicably & he has promised to not disturb me any more greate trouble a trying to get safe guards the authorities are not accomodating


Mule / Fox

enough I find the wash should not be continued too long I have rather overdone it. The Mule is a rather large Black about five years old. It will if it will get well, pay me something if it is not taken away.

The guards barbecued the Fox and eat it during the day the one half & will eat the ballence tomorrow.

1865 Jan Mon 2
Weather / Sick/ Soldiers gone / Gen Scroffied core battery & left last night / Guards changed / Ryan / halling of rails

The Wind changed to the South during the night but (verry cold Wind) the weather has moderated some. This morning it was cloudy about day light, but has cleared off or nearly so at 8 A.M. Jack Patton Monk & Jack all sick with Diore I went to Town about 12 oclock & was surprised to find all the tropps from Rankins to Town gone. Went this morning all except what was left to command the post. The Gards, Kibby & Taylor as been called in & I braught out a Guard by the name of Ryan a verry good looking young man. I see there are wagons halling off our lance fence on both side of the rode on the turnpike next Town, the Campbellsville pike We are getting Wood, some halling to Town & some to the house

Tu 3
quarrel / wagon master

The morning is clear Wind from the South & warm towards 12 it clouded up looked like rain I went to tTown a great many soldiers passing I got into an altercation with the wagon master that are halling our Cedar fence, settled amicably & he has promised to not disturb me any more greate trouble a trying to get safe guards the authorities are not accomodating