(seq. 43)
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8 revisions | nanco at May 26, 2020 03:00 PM (seq. 43)like to visit our friend in Berkshire.
Afternoon. We have just returned from Presbyterian
Meeting, across the road from us, where we have heard most
an excellent sermon from Mr.Abbott their pastor, on "If any
man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His."
As regard these extra happenings and going to
New Rochelle & I don't think and don't know, I do not wish
to hear any more of them in this offish way. If you
have any thing to say, say it, or if you anything express it
in plain English so that I may no longer be left in un-
certainty, with respect to matters and things. Now to
more important business. I do not wish you to say I
am foolish before you read all I have to say. I have
been away the silk worm people now for two months, &
heard a great deal said on the subject, but have not
like to visit our friend in Berkshire. Afternoon. We have just returned from Presbyterian As regard these extra happenings and going to (seq. 43) |