A Speciall Commission of Dyer
& Perminer is ordered to bee taken out to bee
held on
the 26 Instant att
the Towne of
Winchester in order to Try diuers p
ersons for
the K
ings Stores in his Yard of
Portsmouth is being found by
the Grand
Iury some whereof are officers of
the s
Yard & will bee Tryed for
theire Lives
the 8
th the Spanish
ion Packett boate is come in heere
the Groyne haveing in her way mett
& fought a ffr
ench: Privatteer of 26 Guns for
24 houres when
the Privetteer was forced
to beare off verey much Shattered and a
Dutch Caper has brought in here a ffr
Prize of about 60 Tuns Laden with
Cordage &c for
the ffr
ench: ffleet The Capt
the said Caper Sayes that hee Saw off of
Seames 25 great ffrench: men of warr
the 11th: S
ir Iohn
Ashby & vice Admi
rall Rook are still att
Spithead with about 70 Seale of Men
of Warr
The Prince
s & Princes
s of
Denmarke come to Towne
the begin
of next Weeke
the 9
th: of 7
ber his
iesty went Yesterday to See K
ing Iames
Spouse &
theire 2 Children att Ste: ~
Ierme..s Enlay but
the K
ings God daug
hter Maria Sovisa is taken Sick of the
Convulsions & tis beleived will Scarce
Vpon advice
the Enemy
has a designe to forme Some Seige in
fflanders his Ma
iesty has ordered the ~
Musquateers & other Troopes of ~
of his Hous
ehold to bee ready to March
thitherwards p
romising to assist himselfe
in p
erson Letters from Grenoble of
the 4
th: Instant say
that we are puting
Town into a posture of defence planting
100 Peices of Cannon vpon
the Ramparts
thereof & 24 Cannon are Carryed from
Versailles to assist
them thereon
The same L
etters bring an
the D
e: of Savoy being Sick
the Small Pox att Ambrum has ordered
Count Caparara notwithstanding his ~
Indisposition to pursue
the proiected ~
designes w
ith the Army as if hee were ~
resent att
the head of
them & declared in
Case of Mortallity that
the vigorous Prince ~
Dugen of Savoy his nearest relac
ion for
want of Issue Maie Succeed him in his ~~
Territoryes & new Conquests &
that hee pursue
the warr to
the vtmost without ever harking
to a Peace with
the ffr
ench: K
ing without ioynt
Consent of all
the Allies
These L
etters add that 3
are arrived from
the New Converts of
Lontongue with an address to
the ffr
ench: K
wherein they declare
theire Abhorrance
the D
uke: of Savoyes coming in an Hostile
manner into the Kingdome of ffr
and that they would with
theire vtmost
power Endeavour to represse
the same
& remaine firme & Inviolable to the
Interest of his Ma
iesty but with all desired
liberty of Conscience
The right hon
ourable Earle
of Montague was the Close of the
last weeke married with
the Dutches of Albemarle being an Extraordinary great
ffortune Shee haveing 6000
li p
er & Ann
um besides a vast Sum
me of money & Iules = This day
the L
ord Newburgh was marryed with
the L
ord Brutnells daughter haueing a p
ion of 12000
with her = This day Adm
irall Russell came into
the Counsell & gave
the Queene an acc
ount: of
This Summers Service att sea = This day S
ir: Ralph Dellevall came to Towne - The