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7 revisions | Queensland State Archives at Dec 20, 2021 05:19 AM page_00541A/230
CC/IB 13th February, 1959.
The Superintendent,
Cherbourg Settlement,
Via Murgon.
Several communications regarding Aboriginal names have been
received by this Office. They are as follows:-
1. The correct pronunciation of [[JACKADGERY]] and (A Foolish Act)
NIMMITYBEL. (Unknown) These are said to be Children's names.
3. The origin and meaning of the name }unknown
[[TARRAGINDI]], a suburb of Brisbane. }may be obtainable from
Willie McKenzie.
Your advice regarding these requests would be appreciated.
[[C. Campbell]]
for Director of Native Affairs.
1A/230 CC/IB 13th February, 1959. The Superintendent, Several communications regarding Aboriginal names have been 1. The correct pronunciation of JACKADGERY and (A Foolish Act) 2. The Aboriginal word for PRETTY BIRD. (MOOGARAS-GOOLBU). 3. The origin and meaning of the name }unknown 4. The Aboriginal word for LOVELY SETTING. (KALIMNA-OMARU) Your advice regarding these requests would be appreciated. C. Campbell page_00541A/230
CC/IB 13th February, 1959.
The Superintendent,
Cherbourg Settlement,
Via Murgon.
Several communications regarding Aboriginal names have been
received by this Office. They are as follows:-
1. The correct pronunciation of [[JACKADGERY]] and (A Foolish Act)
NIMMITYBEL. (Unknown) These are said to be Children's names.
2. The Aboriginal word for PRETTY BIRD. ([[MOOGARAS-GOOLBU]]).
3. The origin and meaning of the name }unknown
[[TARRAGINDI]], a suburb of Brisbane. }may be obtainable from
Willie McKenzie.
4. The Aboriginal word for LOVELY SETTING. ([[KALIMNA-OMARU]])
Your advice regarding these requests would be appreciated.
[[C. Campbell]]
for Director of Native Affairs.
1A/230 CC/IB 13th February, 1959. The Superintendent, Several communications regarding Aboriginal names have been 1. The correct pronunciation of JACKADGERY and (A Foolish Act) 2. The Aboriginal word for PRETTY BIRD. (MOOGARAS-GOOLBU). 3. The origin and meaning of the name }unknown 4. The Aboriginal word for LOVELY SETTING. (KALIMNA-OMARU) Your advice regarding these requests would be appreciated. C. Campbell |