caption: D. L. MOODY
caption: PAUL RADER
808 North La Salle Street
"Entered as second-class matter March 3, 1917, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Vol. 3. $2 per Year. CHICACO, ILL., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1918. Price 5 Cents. No. 5.
"Develop your missionary efforts on the mountain of prayer, through
the revelation of God." (Heb. 8.5) Pastor WM. FETLER.
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When Jesus died and His Blood was
spilt on Calvary He paid the debt for
your life. He took over the old business
or body, and He is going to tear
the whole old structure of the body
down and put up a new. He paid the
mortgage on the old place. Like the rich
man Mr. Dawes told about, who went
back to the little New England farm,
the little farm and house where his
father had lived. When he got there, he
found that the man who now owned it
had a mortgage of $17,000 on the place.
He took a carpenter along with him, and
they walked around the buildings. He
asked the carpenter, "What will it take
to bolster up the old barn?"
The carpenter said, "It is useless;
it can't be patched up."
They looked at the old house, and he
asked him, "How can you fix it up?"
The carpenter replied, "You can't
patch that, either, it is useless. The
boards are rotten and the foundation
is rotten—the whole thing is rotten.
"What shall we do?" he asked him.
"Do you love this spot?" asked the
"I certainly do love this old spot—this
was my father's farm and buildings.
"All right, then, we can build another
house just like this one—a new one."
So they tore down the old one, and
in its place put up a new one just like it.
The man paid the mortgage off and built
a new house on the old spot.
Thank God, Jesus' Blood paid the
mortgage on this old farm of ours.
These old bodies are wrecked and ruined
by sin, and God could not have lived in
them and gotten his glory in them as
he desired; so His Son paid the mort-
gage on our souls, and the old spot—and
soon the buildings, our bodies, will be
made new.
Oh, it is detestable to the heart of God
these days to hear a lot of theories about
"the Divine spark in man," when he is
a dirty, tumble-down, rotten shack on
the outside, and eaten upon on the inside
by the mortgage of sin. But Jesus has
paid the mortgage, and will give you a
new heart—you are born again and the
Holy Spirit can come in then and dwell
in your heart. He will give you a new
house to live in later; perhaps tonight.
Nuggets from Mr. Rader's Scrip-
ture Reading, January 20
"Thy God hath commanded thy
strength; strengthen, O God, that
which thou hast wrought for us." We
can expect God to do His work. He
says in another place, "Concerning the
work of my hands, command ye me."
When a man gets to the place where
he leans upon the strength of God and
the promises of God, there comes a
place in prayer and in the faith life
where, concerning the things of God,
He say "Command ye me."
Don't let the devil bluff you. Don't
sit and plead for the joy of God, nor
for the strength of God, nor for His
benefits. Just tell the devil to take his
hands off your throat this morning.
"His strength is in the clouds." He
can tie up the United States with pret-
ty little soft snowflakes. His strength
"Though ye have lien among the
pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a
dove covered in silver, and her
feathers with yellow gold"—Ps. 68:13.
Dirty, smutty, greasy vessels—
"though ye have lien among the pots,
yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove
covered in silver, and her feathers
with yellow gold,"—old bums, sinners
saved by grace, wearing the robes of
righteousness. Wonderful—out of the
pits and the quagmires of sin, to be
joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.
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During the days on the Conference on
behalf of Israel, the ministry of Pastor
Wm. Fetler, President of Russian
Bible Institute of Philadelphia, proved
a great blessing to all who heard him,
recognizing in him one marvelously filled
with the Spirit of God, annointed seem-
ingly to be "the apostle to the Russians."
Mr. Fetler addressed the great audience
gathered at the Moody Tabernacle on
Sunday evening, being introduced by
Rev. E. Y. Woolley, Associate Pastor,
in the following words:
"You remember what Paul said about
his experiences in preaching the Gospel,
'In perils oft.' Well, it has been given
to some of the present day disciples of
Jesus to be in perils oft, and we are to
hear tonight from one who, for his love
for Jesus, his heart-consuming passion
to preach the Gospel to his beloved coun-
trymen in Russia, has been so continual-
ly in danger of his life that it has been
really a matter of the day's routine.
At one time the Russian policemen
met him at the door of the hall where
well nigh a thousand Russians had gath-
ered to hear him preach 'the unsearch-
able riches of Christ.' They showed him
a command from the Czar forbidding
him to preach. 'Well,' he said to the of-
ficers, 'can I pray?'
They looked puzzled and finaly de-
cided there was nothing in the command
forbidding him to pray, so he got up in
the pulpit and prayed his sermon out to
God, while the policemen stood on either
side to see that he did not preach.
Sentenced to Siberia, as he was say-
ing farewell to his beloved ones, through
the influence of a nephew of the Czar,
his sence was commuted, and he was ex-
iled to America. (Which announce-
ment was greeted with a hearty 'Praise
the Lord').
Mr. Fetter will tell you how the Lord
has used him here in his exile, to still
send the Gospel to his countrymen;
and now that the Czar is deposed, and
the bars and barriers down, he will pre-
sent to you the greatest Gospel oppor-
tunity any of us have ever seen."
Mr. Fetler's address is given below:
I want to just to recite two passages as
a foundation for my remarks to you to-
night, both from the book of the Prophet
Isaiah "Nevertheless the dimness shall
not be such as was in her vexation, when
at the first he lightly afflicted the land
of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
and afterward did more grievously af-
flict her by the way of the sea, beyond
Jordon, in Galilee of the nations. The
people that walked in the darkness have
seen a great light; they that dwell in the
land of the shadow of death, upon them
hath the light shined." Isa. 9:1,2. "The
Burden of Dumah. He calleth to me
out of Seir, Watchman, what of the
night? Watchman, what of the night?
The watchman said, 'the morning com-
eth, and also the night; if ye will in-
quire, inquired ye.' Is. 21:11,-12.
A great many Bible teachers and stu-
dents explain that Russia has something
to do with the prophesies of Gog and
Magog, that Russia will be one of these
great northern nations with a northern
king, that will array in battle against the
city of the Lord, and that of course the
Russian people will be destroyed, in ac-
cordance with that prophecy; but here
it is, "Wathman, what of the night?
The morning cometh and also the
Before Gog and Magog go against the
Holy City, the morning cometh for
many of them to hear the Gospel. "The
morning cometh," and I am here this
evening, as a messenger of the largest
white nation upon the face of this earth,
to tell you that this prophecy must be
fulfilled; that morning has come, and is
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dawning still more upon the Russian
people and before Gog and Magog are
destroyed there must be hundreds of
thousands—even millions of them—
gathered at the foot of the cross of
Jesus Christ.
I believe that God could not justly
give a reformation to the Teutonic peo-
ple, and the Anglo-Saxon people, and
spread the Gospel news all over these
religions, into France and Holland
and along the British channel, and in your
country where so many Anglo-Saxon
people are living, also in Bohemia
through John Huss, and to a great many
people in centuries gone by through Sa-
vonarola, and then that God would pass
by the Great Slavonic people, which, as
no other nation of white people, has
been religiously inclined after God. The
very national name of the Russians
means, "Carriers within them of God,"
people who are searching for God, and
"Holy Russia" has been imprinted on
the Russian people for many centuries
gone by. In their folk-lore, in their
hymns, in their aspirations, it is always
"Holy Russia," and that very character-
istic of Russian people shows to me that
there could not be such a great desire
for God without their being satisfied by
God; and, of course, God satisfies a
people through those who have already
been satisfied.
What of the Night?"
Of all the great missionary calls, I do
not know of one, so far as the white
people are concerned, which could ap-
peal to Christian people more, or which
would be more promising of great suc-
cess (if we might use that expression),
as this great missionary call for the Rus-
sian people. I am glad, happy, and
proud to be alive at such an hour as this.
I believe that this war, this terrible dis-
mal, awful war, the worst of all wars
that this world has ever seen, must nat-
urally result in some of the greatest
blessing that this world has ever seen.
I prophesy that there will be such an
ingathering of souls for Jesus Christ
throughout the world, and especially
among the Russian people, and the other
Slavonic people, the Poles, Montene-
grans, Bulgarians, Serbians, etc., as we
have never dreamed of. I stand this
evening before you on their behalf. I
believe God has already called you in
the past, especially the regenerated peo-
ple of the Moody Church, this crowd of
Holy Ghost people, people given up to
God, to be in definite, live touch with
the great movements which are going to
take place in Russia, and which you
hear are already going on in a very re-
markable degree.
The great hour of Russia at last has
come. Russia has waited long and pa-
tiently for about a thousand years. The
Russian people have been waiting for
the dimness and the darkness to be
changed into light. It has been a long,
terrible waiting indeed which the Rus-
sian people have passed through during
the last centuries.
The Russian state was formed in 862,
A. D., when some princes in Scandinavia
were asked to come up and rule over the
Russian people. At that time many of
the Russian tribes were scattered over
the large plains across the Baltic Sea.
"Our land is great and plentiful, but
there is no order in it," said the mes-
senger from Russia to the Scandinavian
princes, "Come and rule over us." And
the Russians are still waiting for help
from abroad.
I will not say much about their his-
tory, except that one of the greatest and
most awful experiences was the yoke of
the Tartars, under which (not unlike
the children of Isael spending cour cen-
(Continued on page 2)
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In last weeks Good News some arti-
cles were published regarding plans for
the reclamation of Palestine. At the
Hebrew Conference, in session this
week at the Tabernacle, Dr. Harris H.
Gregg offered the following interesting
"The prophets of the Old Testament
announce repeatedly that the land of
Palestine is going to be like the Garden
of Eden. It seemed, humanly speak-
ing, in the days of Moses, when that
land was a land flowing with milk and
honey, impossible that it would ever
be what Moses described it, and as we
know it actually in our own day; and
it seems to the natural man today,
just as impossible that that land shall
be as the Garden of Eden, as that it
ever should have become a ruin; but
it will not become a Garden of Eden
through the poor colonists that are go-
ing back, but through that Man on
God's right hand, who will make 'Jeru-
salem a Praise on the earth.'
"Where the past has been a desert,
the future of that land shall be as the
Garden of Eden, and then you will not
have to read the Psalmist, when he
says in the 67th Psalm, 'God be merci-
ful unto us (Israel), and bless us; and
cause His face to shine upon us.' And
then he says, 'Selah' which has been
translated, 'Think of that!' Think of
that!' That Thy way may be known
upon earth, Thy saving health among
all nations. Let the people praise
Thee, O God; let all the people praise
Thee. O let the nations be glad and
sing for joy; for Thou shalt govern
the people righteously and govern the
nations upon earth. Selah.' (Think of
"First Israel and then the nations.
'Let the people praise Thee, O God;
let all the people praise Thee. Then
shall the earth yield her increase; and
God, even our own God, shall bless us.'
"We are going to have fine crops
when the land of Palestine is like the
Garden of Eden. Illinois will have
some crops, real crops. We are hav-
ing sort of crabapples now; but we will
have real apples then; and when God
makes the desert in that day 'blossom
like the rose,' I tell you the American
Beauty will be a bloom.
"How is the rose going to bloom?
"Why don't you say a word about
bringing the king back?"
Grace Sufficient
My grace is sufficient in thee: for
my strength is made perfect in weak-
ness. 2 Cor. 12:9.
Let us have no more weak excuses for
our infirmities. Our trouble is not in
our circumstances, but in ourselves; the
man who finds it impossible to be good
in one condition would find it equally
impossible to be good in another. We
all think that our conditions are un-
favorable to piety. So they are. Mine
are very unfavorable, very; I have never
found any that were not.—Samuel W.
Radergram: Before the war is over
thousands of people will slip their cog
on the blood of Jesus Christ, just be-
cause they want to praise certain he-
roes, and get men who have died for
their country into heaven, and set the
blood aside, and say "Jesus will take
care of them." Jesus saves men who
are washed in the blood and only
such. There is no other class of men
that is saved.
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