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4 revisions
VixE at May 07, 2022 05:43 AM


May 1915 Sun. 23 In room all day. Editha came in afternoon & we had supper together & went to Trade Union play at Hull House. Mon. 24 Finished Secretary report & ran around to bank etc. Dinner with Miss Phelps & Miss H at Hearth & walked home Finished reading "The Harbor" Tues. 25 Showery day. Auditor in. Went to Post Office & got head up on registered letter. Miss G. & I had dinner at Ontra. I walked home pretty tired but in good spirits. Wed. 26 Beastly cold day - showery Audition in. Met Ethel at Thompson's for lunch. Dinner at Hearth with Miss Phelps & Miss H & walked home.

May 1915
Sun. 23
In room all day.
Editha came in afternoon
& we had supper together &
went to Trade Union
play at Hull House.

Mon. 24
Finished Secretary
report & ran around to
bank etc. Dinner with
Miss Phelps & Miss H at
Hearth & walked home
Finished reading "The

Tues. 25
Showery day. Auditor
in. Went to Post Office &
got head up on registered
letter. Miss G. & I had
dinner at Ontra. I
walked home pretty
tired but in good spirits.

Wed. 26
Beastly cold day - showery
Audition in. Met Ethel at
Thompson's for lunch.
Dinner at Hearth with
Miss Phelps & Miss
H & walked home.
