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2 revisions | University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Jun 11, 2022 12:32 AM 51that his ihterest should, have been immediately a ouceu., a,'. U.-&I- nis*
assignment to the Asheville District, by the lack of educational^
opportunities which he discovered there, and much, ofnis
thought and energy were directed to the establishment ana mainte
nance of a school in western North Carolina*
this he cameu u.a
in^a'general way until the educational awakening in North Carolina
made many of the private schools unnecessary and he then redoubled h^s
energies in the maintenance of parochial schools which he badges- ^
tablished in western North Carolina particularly Appalachian Schools
Valle Crucis, Christ School, Arden and Patterson ocboo^
Ledger Wood.
At one time as many as 2000 children were attend
ing the parochial schools maintained by his church in western
North Carolina.
When the Asheville Parish was organized Bishop Horner and
his good wife who before her marriage was Mias Eva Marker,.of
Augusta, Georgia, moved to Asheville, and spent the time since taen
in'their ministrations to the people of the mountain District.
Bishoo Horner, as said before, was intensely interested in
education and was for many years a friend and Trustee ol
University of North Carolina, and attended the January meeting
of.the Trustees at Raleigh, though he was not well at that uime*
Like his father, he was of a tall and commanding appearance an^ _
commanded the respect of school friends and his fellow citizens by
his warm heart, intelligence and genial disposition.
Kany who
learned in the Horner School the things which ^ so ably taught
w^ll telT in years to come of the wisdom that flowed i..om nls^
lips as he taught'them at Oxford, while those who^were,blessed by
his presence and care in the District of his adoption will.remember
with lasting gratitude his able and loving ministration ^ai^o
lived among them*
His work in North Carolina wilA. A. Hicks, Chairman
K. P* Lewis
Mrs. E* L* McKee
The following degrees in course were conferred
Myrtle Louise Beaver..........
Lucile Evans Beckerdite - - - Dorothy Hale Belnay f - - - Mildred Estelle Biddle ........
Vera Euzelia Black..............
Dorothy Blackwood............
Mildred Esther Boatman - Mildred Kathleen Bowles -.
Laura Mackie Boyd ..........
Alary Frances Brame..........
Rebecca Deane Braswell - - Edna Ruth Britt................
Alary Elizabeth Brummitt .
Mildred Brunt....................
Frances AlcKean Bulwinkle
Susan Alartin Capehart - - Edna Grace Capel ..............
Annie Ruth Adams ^ t ................................................
Alartha Elizabeth Albritton.......................................... Hookerton Greene
Elizabeth Lou Allen ...................................................... R^e Fhl! Sampson
Ida Kathryn Allen ........................................................ Bunnlevel, Harnett
Virginia Gill Allen .......................................................... Hendersoiy Vance
Aliene Thompson Alley ............................................ Greensboro. Gudford
janie Fairley Allsbrook ............................................ larboro, Edgecombe
Margaret Andrews...................................................... ^ Fgh Pomt, Gudford
Mary Elizabeth Angley .................................................... Leno.r, Caldwell
Douglass Archibald .............................................. Concord R. 3, Cabarrus
Buna Mae Arnold................................................ Fuquay Springs Harnett
jerrie lulia Arthur ...................................... Charlotte, R. 4, Mecklenburg
Mary Elizabeth Auman .............................................. Seagrove, Randolph
Katherine Austin * f ............................................ Leaksville, Rockmgham
Margaret Ruth Bane ............................................ Reidsville Rockmgham
Annie Laurie Bason.......................................... Greensboro, R. 2, Gudford
Josephine Dugga Bateman ..............................Wilmmgton, New Hanover
*Dated July 23, 1932.
Sarah Lee Bazemore .......................................................... Aulauder.Bert.e f Absent by permission.
Susan Lorene Beatty f .............................................. Stanley, . , as on
................ Bear Poplar, Rowan
Winston-Salem, R. 3, Davidson
........................ Cranford, N.J.
.................... New Bern, Craven
.................. Gherryvide, Gaston
.......... Winston-Salem, Forsyth
...................Greensboro, Guilford
........ Fayetteville, Cumberland
........................... Stanley, Gaston
............................ Wended, Wake
...................Greensboro, Guilford
.......................... Warsaw, Duplin
.............. Oxford, R. 3, Granville
............ Winston-Salem, Forsyth
......................... Gastonia, Gaston
.......................... Windsor, Bertie
...................... Wadesboro, Anson