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2 revisions
Kalexander19 at Jul 19, 2022 06:54 PM


Friday the
17 Feby 1854

quite cool to day we killed 12 small
hogs that weighed 1303 lbs it has rained
several days this week

21 Feby

Started north to buy goods quite cool
and the ground too wet to plow

Thursday the
16 March

Returned from teh north last night
and found the hands on the farm
had finished sowing oats about the 10th and
nearly done plowing the field by the shop for
corn They sowed one Acre of oats to
contend for the premium on oats they sowed
them on the lot wehre we raised our premium crop
of corn they plowed the ground & harrowed it then
sowed 3 Bu of oats and plowed & harrowed it

Friday the
24th March

Commenced harrowing and listing
our corn land we follow after the
first furrow with a two horse subsoil cutter
in the botton of the first furrow making the
two furrows about 12 in deep we then run
more furrows & make a ridge the last week
has been fine weather and we have been halling
manure on our premium Acre for corn
we halled last Dec 100 loads of Branch
much & Rich earth on it and this week we
have halled 60 loeas of stable manure and
spread it over it we intend plowing it to

25 March

Plowed Agriculture lot about
8 in Deep with Turn plow and then
followed with 2 subsoil plowed about 8 in Deep
we planted our Irish potatoes to day
It is verry cold the fround being frozen &
I fear that wheat is injured & fruit all killed