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4 revisions | SusanE at Jul 24, 2022 03:35 PM p.[Sketch plans of building]
This may give you some faint
idea of the plan of our shanty -
16 x 20 - 8ft. studs - open to the roof -
whitewashed overhead - felt & tar roof -
plastered sides - curtains - matched
flooring & partitions - my little coal
stove - just big enough - quarters fit
for a Major General - & all for Austin & I -
[sketch plan of camp layout with Barracks and other buildings]
Laundress quarters & Ordnance [Sery etc?]
to the west of all. the proportions
are not very good - [Sketch plans of building] This may give you some faint [sketch plan of camp layout with Barracks and other buildings] Laundress quarters & Ordnance [Sery etc?] p.[Sketch plans of building]
This may give you some faint
idea of the plan of our shanty -
16 x 20 - 8ft. studs - open to the roof -
whitewashed overhead - felt & tar roof -
plastered sides - curtains - matched
flooring & partitions - my little coal
stove - just big enough - quarters fit
for a Major General - & all for Austin & I -
[sketch plan of camp layout with Barracks and other buildings]
Laundress quarters & Commander[?] [?]
to the west of all. the proportions
are not very good - [Sketch plans of building] This may give you some faint [sketch plan of camp layout with Barracks and other buildings] Laundress quarters & Commander[?] [?] |