5 revisions | 3James R
Instructions & Orders to be duly observed by every
one of our Governours, Captains, Commanders, Storekeepers
or Gunners of, or in any of our Garrisons, Castles or Forts in
our ancient Kingdome of Scotland, for the prevention of any
superfluous & unnecessary wast or Expence of Powder, Shott,
Match, Armes or other Ammunition & Gunners Stores what-
1. It is our Will & Pleasure that no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever
of, or in any of our Castles, Forts or Garrisons shall cause or suffer to be caused or
made any Expence or waste of Powder or Shott in or from such Castles, Forts &
Garrisons, otherwise than in fight with an Enemy, or for staying any Ship or Vessell
by sufficient Warrant, or for defence of any of our Ships or Vessells, or any Ships
or Vessells, or any Ships or Vessells of our Subjects, friends or Allies coming within
our Protection.
2. That no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever shall upon Salute from any Ship or
Vessell discharge in answer, above three or five peeces at the most, and those to be
alwayes of the lesser sort of Ordnance; Nor any at all upon the Arrivall or departur[e]
of any Person or Persons under the degree of our High Commissioner, an Admirall of
a Fleet, or a Generall of an Army; nor upon any Festivall Entertainment whatso-
ever, Except on the day of the Restauration of the Royall Family, being the twenty ninth
of May, and our Birth being the [gap left unfilled] of October, As likewise the Birth=
day of our most dearly beloved Son the Prince being the tenth of June, and the
day of Gowreie's Conspiracy being the fifth of August: And not upon any other
occasion whatsoever but by speciall Warrant from the Master of our Ordnance.
3. That no Commander, Captain, Officer or Gunner shall use or employ, or suffer to be used
or employed to his or their own private use, or to the use of any Person or Persons, any
of our Provisions or Emptions of whatsoever kind within his or their charge; but that the
same be wholly kept & used for the proper end & Service for which they were first
intended & designed.
4 That no Commander, Captain, Officer, Storekeeper or Gunner shall dispose of any
decayed or unserviceable Ordnance, Carriages, Armes, Ammunition or other Stores
whatsoever; but that the same be accompted for to the Master of our Ordnance, To
the end such Order may be taken by the change & Sale of them as may contribute to=
wards the supply of new & serviceable in their stead.
5 That every Commander, Captain & Officer cause his Gunner or Commissary to keep an exact
Journall or day-Book of all Guns by him fired, and to write therein the number
& nature of the Guns fired, with the day and the occasion thereof; As likewise the
Expence of every Collar of Bandaleers delivered out or expended in Watch or Exercise
of men; And of all other Stores whatsoever used or expended for the Service of our
said Castles, Forts or Garrisons. And that at every six months end (or sooner if required)
they returne to the Master of our Ordnance the said Accompt attested under the hand
of the Commander in chiefe or his Deputs, of every Monthly Receipt, Expence & Remaines
of Stores, to be kept by the Master of our Ordnances.
6 That they likewise be obleidged Monthly to make a Survey of, and to call all those who
are intrusted to accompt for the Expence of all Stores under their Charge, and Monthly
to signe the same. and that upon such Accompt they doe not allow of any wastfull Expence James R
Instructions & Orders to be duly observed by every
one of our Governours, Captains, Commanders, Storekeepers
or Gunners of, or in any of our Garrisons, Castles or Forts in
our ancient Kingdome of Scotland, for the prevention of any
superfluous & unnecessary wast or Expence of Powder, Shott,
Match, Armes or other Ammunition & Gunners Stores what-
1. It is our Will & Pleasure that no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever
of, or in any of our Castles, Forts or Garrisons shall cause or suffer to be caused or
made any Expence or waste of Powder or Shott in or from such Castles, Forts &
Garrisons, otherwise than in fight with an Enemy, or for staying any Ship or Vessell
by sufficient Warrant, or for defence of any of our Ships or Vessells, or any Ships
or Vessells, or any Ships or Vessells of our Subjects, friends or Allies coming within
our Protection.
2. That no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever shall upon Salute from any Ship or
Vessell discharge in answer, above three or five peeces at the most, and those to be
alwayes of the lesser sort of Ordnance; Nor any at all upon the Arrivall or departur[e]
of any Person or Persons under the degree of our High Commissioner, an Admirall of
a Fleet, or a Generall of an Army; nor upon any Festivall Entertainment whatso-
ever, Except on the day of the Restauration of the Royall Family, being the twenty ninth
of May, and our Birth being the [gap left unfilled] of October, As likewise the Birth=
day of our most dearly beloved Son the Prince being the tenth of June, and the
day of Gowreie's Conspiracy being the fifth of August: And not upon any other
occasion whatsoever but by speciall Warrant from the Master of our Ordnance.
3. That no Commander, Captain, Officer or Gunner shall use or employ, or suffer to be used
or employed to his or their own private use, or to the use of any Person or Persons, any
of our Provisions or Emptions of whatsoever kind within his or their charge; but that the
same be wholly kept & used for the proper end & Service for which they were first
intended & designed.
4 That no Commander, Captain, Officer, Storekeeper or Gunner shall dispose of any
decayed or unserviceable Ordnance, Carriages, Armes, Ammunition or other Stores
whatsoever; but that the same be accompted for to the Master of our Ordnance, To
the end such Order may be taken by the change & Sale of them as may contribute to=
wards the supply of new & serviceable in their stead.
5 That every Commander, Captain & Officer cause his Gunner or Commissary to keep an exact
Journall or day-Book of all Guns by him fired, and to write therein the number
& nature of the Guns fired, with the day and the occasion thereof; As likewise the
Expence of every Collar of Bandaleers delivered out or expended in Watch or Exercise
of men; And of all other Stores whatsoever used or expended for the Service of our
said Castles, Forts or Garrisons. And that at every six months end (or sooner if required)
they returne to the Master of our Ordnance the said Accompt attested under the hand
of the Commander in chiefe or his Deputs, of every Monthly Receipt, Expence & Remaines
of Stores, to be kept by the Master of our Ordnances.
6 That they likewise be obleidged Monthly to make a Survey of, and to call all those who
are intrusted to accompt for the Expence of all Stores under their Charge, and Monthly
to signe the same. and that upon such Accompt they doe not allow of any wastfull Expence 3James R
Instructions & Orders to be duly observed by every
one of our Governours, Captains, Commanders, Storekeepers
or Gunners of, or in any of our Garrisons, Castles or Forts in
our ancient Kingdome of Scotland, for the prevention of any
superfluous & unnecessary wast or Expence of Powder, Shott,
Match, Armes or other Ammunition & Gunners Stores what-
1. It is our Will & Pleasure that no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever
of, or in any of our Castles, Forts or Garrisons shall cause or suffer to be caused or
made any Expence or waste of Powder or Shott in or from such Castles, Forts &
Garrisons, otherwise than in fight with an Enemy, or for staying any Ship or Vessell
by sufficient Warrant, or for defence of any of our Ships or Vessells, or any Ships
or Vessells, or any Ships or Vessells of our Subjects, friends or Allies coming within
our Protection.
2. That no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever shall upon Salute from any Ship or
Vessell discharge in answer, above three or five peeces at the most, and those to be
alwayes of the lesser sort of Ordnance; Nor any at all upon the Arrivall or departur[e]
of any Person or Persons under the degree of our High Commissioner, an Admirall of
a Fleet, or a Generall of an Army; nor upon any Festivall Entertainment whatso-
ever, Except on the day of the Restauration of the Royall Family, being the twenty ninth
of May, and our Birth being the [gap left unfilled] of October, As likewise the Birth-
day of our most dearly beloved Son the Prince being the tenth of June, and the
day of Gowreie's Conspiracy being the fifth of August: And not upon any other
occasion whatsoever but by speciall Warrant from the Master of our Ordnance.
3. That no Commander, Captain, Officer or Gunner shall use or employ, or suffer to be used
or employed to his or their own private use, or to the use of any Person or Persons, any
of our Provisions or Emptions of whatsoever kind within his or their charge; but that the
same be wholly kept & used for the proper end & Service for which they were first
intended & designed.
4 That no Commander, Captain, Officer, Storekeeper or Gunner shall dispose of any
decayed or unserviceable Ordnance, Carriages, Armes, Ammunition or other Stores
whatsoever; but that the same be accompted for to the Master of our Ordnance, To
the end such Order may be taken by the change & Sale of them as may contribute to-
wards the supply of new & serviceable in their stead.
5 That every Commander, Captain & Officer cause his Gunner or Commissary to keep an exact
Journall or day-Book of all Guns by him fired, and to write therein the number
& nature of the Guns fired, with the day and the occasion thereof; As likewise the
Expence of every Collar of Bandaleers delivered out or expended in Watch or Exercise
of men; And of all other Stores whatsoever used or expended for the Service of our
said Castles, Forts or Garrisons. And that at every six months end (or sooner if required)
they returne to the Master of our Ordnance the said Accompt attested under the hand
of the Commander in chiefe or his Deputs, of every Monthly Receipt, Expence & Remaines
of Stores, to be kept by the Master of our Ordnances.
6 That they likewise be obleidged Monthly to make a Survey of, and to call all those who
are intrusted to accompt for the Expence of all Stores under their Charge, and Monthly
to signe the same. and that upon such Accompt they doe not allow of any wastfull Expence James R
Instructions & Orders to be duly observed by every
one of our Governours, Captains, Commanders, Storekeepers
or Gunners of, or in any of our Garrisons, Castles or Forts in
our ancient Kingdome of Scotland, for the prevention of any
superfluous & unnecessary wast or Expence of Powder, Shott,
Match, Armes or other Ammunition & Gunners Stores what-
1. It is our Will & Pleasure that no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever
of, or in any of our Castles, Forts or Garrisons shall cause or suffer to be caused or
made any Expence or waste of Powder or Shott in or from such Castles, Forts &
Garrisons, otherwise than in fight with an Enemy, or for staying any Ship or Vessell
by sufficient Warrant, or for defence of any of our Ships or Vessells, or any Ships
or Vessells, or any Ships or Vessells of our Subjects, friends or Allies coming within
our Protection.
2. That no Commander, Captain or Officer whatsoever shall upon Salute from any Ship or
Vessell discharge in answer, above three or five peeces at the most, and those to be
alwayes of the lesser sort of Ordnance; Nor any at all upon the Arrivall or departur[e]
of any Person or Persons under the degree of our High Commissioner, an Admirall of
a Fleet, or a Generall of an Army; nor upon any Festivall Entertainment whatso-
ever, Except on the day of the Restauration of the Royall Family, being the twenty ninth
of May, and our Birth being the [gap left unfilled] of October, As likewise the Birth-
day of our most dearly beloved Son the Prince being the tenth of June, and the
day of Gowreie's Conspiracy being the fifth of August: And not upon any other
occasion whatsoever but by speciall Warrant from the Master of our Ordnance.
3. That no Commander, Captain, Officer or Gunner shall use or employ, or suffer to be used
or employed to his or their own private use, or to the use of any Person or Persons, any
of our Provisions or Emptions of whatsoever kind within his or their charge; but that the
same be wholly kept & used for the proper end & Service for which they were first
intended & designed.
4 That no Commander, Captain, Officer, Storekeeper or Gunner shall dispose of any
decayed or unserviceable Ordnance, Carriages, Armes, Ammunition or other Stores
whatsoever; but that the same be accompted for to the Master of our Ordnance, To
the end such Order may be taken by the change & Sale of them as may contribute to-
wards the supply of new & serviceable in their stead.
5 That every Commander, Captain & Officer cause his Gunner or Commissary to keep an exact
Journall or day-Book of all Guns by him fired, and to write therein the number
& nature of the Guns fired, with the day and the occasion thereof; As likewise the
Expence of every Collar of Bandaleers delivered out or expended in Watch or Exercise
of men; And of all other Stores whatsoever used or expended for the Service of our
said Castles, Forts or Garrisons. And that at every six months end (or sooner if required)
they returne to the Master of our Ordnance the said Accompt attested under the hand
of the Commander in chiefe or his Deputs, of every Monthly Receipt, Expence & Remaines
of Stores, to be kept by the Master of our Ordnances.
6 That they likewise be obleidged Monthly to make a Survey of, and to call all those who
are intrusted to accompt for the Expence of all Stores under their Charge, and Monthly
to signe the same. and that upon such Accompt they doe not allow of any wastfull Expence |