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3 revisions
Florida Memory Program at Dec 14, 2022 02:46 PM


Irregular Page?: no County: Year:
NameWhite MalesSlavesLand, First RateLand, Second RateLand, Third RateTown LotsWharfsMerchantsCommission Merchants and FactorsMoney Lent at InterestShares of StockBank AgenciesInsurance CompaniesAgencies of Foreign Insurance CompaniesPracticing LawyersPracticing DoctorsGold WatchesSilver WatchesPleasure Carriages, etc.Public Weighers of CottonPublic InspectorsPilotsTavern, or Inn-KeepersSaw MillsCattle of ResidentsCattle of Non-ResidentsFree Men of ColorDollars and Cents
Footman, Edward
Footman, William E. and Susan (Footman, Edward (Agent))
Gould, William B. (Harrison, R. (Agent))
Hall, Thomas L.
Hargrove (Hall, Thomas L. (Agent))
Irby, William B.

Irregular Page?: no



Name White Males Slaves Land, First Rate Land, Second Rate Land, Third Rate Town Lots Wharfs Merchants Commission Merchants and Factors Money Lent at Interest Shares of Stock Bank Agencies Insurance Companies Agencies of Foreign Insurance Companies Practicing Lawyers Practicing Doctors Gold Watches Silver Watches Pleasure Carriages, etc. Public Weighers of Cotton Public Inspectors Pilots Tavern, or Inn-Keepers Saw Mills Cattle of Residents Cattle of Non-Residents Free Men of Color Dollars and Cents
Footman, Edward
Footman, William E. and Susan (Footman, Edward (Agent))
Gould, William B. (Harrison, R. (Agent))
Hall, Thomas L.
Hargrove (Hall, Thomas L. (Agent))
Irby, William B.


Irregular Page?: no County: Year:
White MalesSlavesLand, First RateLand, Second RateLand, Third RateTown LotsWharfsMerchantsCommission Merchants and FactorsMoney Lent at InterestShares of StockBank AgenciesInsurance CompaniesAgencies of Foreign Insurance CompaniesPracticing LawyersPracticing DoctorsGold WatchesSilver WatchesPleasure Carriages, etc.Public Weighers of CottonPublic InspectorsPilotsTavern, or Inn-KeepersSaw MillsCattle of ResidentsCattle of Non-ResidentsFree Men of ColorDollars and Cents
Footman, Edward
Footman, William E. and Susan (Footman, Edward (Agent))
Gould, William B. (Harrison, R. (Agent))
Hall, Thomas L.
Hargrove (Hall, Thomas L. (Agent))
Irby, William B.

Irregular Page?: no



White Males Slaves Land, First Rate Land, Second Rate Land, Third Rate Town Lots Wharfs Merchants Commission Merchants and Factors Money Lent at Interest Shares of Stock Bank Agencies Insurance Companies Agencies of Foreign Insurance Companies Practicing Lawyers Practicing Doctors Gold Watches Silver Watches Pleasure Carriages, etc. Public Weighers of Cotton Public Inspectors Pilots Tavern, or Inn-Keepers Saw Mills Cattle of Residents Cattle of Non-Residents Free Men of Color Dollars and Cents
Footman, Edward
Footman, William E. and Susan (Footman, Edward (Agent))
Gould, William B. (Harrison, R. (Agent))
Hall, Thomas L.
Hargrove (Hall, Thomas L. (Agent))
Irby, William B.