(seq. 21)
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47 revisionsArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillablackletterkate | Ardilla at Jan 17, 2023 08:44 PM (seq. 21)Anorexia or want of Appetite
See Appetite Canine
This is a Sickness or Sensation of a Load at the Stomach Usually attended
with Erruptions; and sometimes with a Fever.
Regimen If Glutony is the Cause Tea, Sage Ditto, Aq. Hord. Water Gruel
Panadas &c are Proper. in other causes Sack Whey, White Wine and
water Panada with Wine but much Wine and Flesh is improper.
Cure Bleed if there is a plethora the next Day give an Emet. Ipecac. and work
it off with Carduus Anorexia or want of Appetite Surfeits Cure Bleed if there is a plethora the next Day give an Emet. Ipecac. and work (seq. 21)Anorexia or want of Appetite
See Appetite Canine
This is a Sickness or Sensation of a Load at the Stomach Usually attended
with Erruptions; and sometimes with a Fever.
Regimen If Glutony is the Cause Tea, Sage Ditto, Aq. Hord. Water Gruel
Panadas &c are Proper. in other causes Sack Whey, White Wine and
water Panada with Wine but much Wine and Flesh is improper.
Cure Bleed if there is a plethora the next Day give an Emet. Ipecac. and work Anorexia or want of Appetite Surfeits Cure Bleed if there is a plethora the next Day give an Emet. Ipecac. and work |