Page 268


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8 revisions
Marie Richards at Jan 21, 2023 08:51 PM

Page 268

les jours de monde sires et roys de toute la monarchie du monde terrien et quil en peust faire tous ses comman demens par ung si que il fut ung seul jour hors de pa radis. Car la est la vie pardurable et la est la parfaite et inestimable joie qui oncques fut ne jamais sera. La est chascune chose establie et certaine a tousjours mais sans fin et sans commenchement ne jamais ne fauldra ne jamais naura aulcune doubtance de mort ne de maladie de doleur dangoisse ne de paour ne de courroz ne de traveil ne de paine ne de povrete ne de chaitivete ne de nulle tribulation qui jamais lui puissent adve nir en nulle maniere du monde qui en paradis aura sa mansion. Ainchois y sera continuellement en joie en soulaz en leese en benevrete et en tous delices et biens pardurables et sans nulle fin. Et si aura plus de conso lation que nul ne sauroit penser estimer ne racompter tant y sceust son engin emploier pour entendre quest de paradis et denfer selon nostre declaration dessusditte Et avec che le firmament et les estoilles et les sept pla nettes. Je vous presente ya aprees la figure a laquelle vous pourez moult prouffiter se y volez appliquier vostre entendement

les jours de monde sires et roys de toute la monarchie
du monde terrien et quil en peust faire tous ses comman
demens par ung si que il fut ung seul jour hors de pa
radis. Car la est la vie pardurable et la est la parfaite
et inestimable joie qui oncques fut ne jamais sera. La
est chascune chose establie et certaine a tousjours mais
sans fin et sans commenchement ne jamais ne fauldra
ne jamais naura aulcune doubtance de mort ne de
maladie de doleur dangoisse ne de paour ne de courroz
ne de traveil ne de paine ne de povrete ne de chaitivete
ne de nulle tribulation qui jamais lui puissent adve
nir en nulle maniere du monde qui en paradis aura
sa mansion. Ainchois y sera continuellement en joie
en soulaz en leese en benevrete et en tous delices et biens
pardurables et sans nulle fin. Et si aura plus de conso
lation que nul ne sauroit penser estimer ne racompter
tant y sceust son engin emploier pour entendre quest
de paradis et denfer selon nostre declaration dessusditte
Et avec che le firmament et les estoilles et les sept pla
nettes. Je vous presente ya aprees la figure a laquelle vous
pourez moult prouffiter se y volez appliquier vostre entendement


for all the days of the world, lords and kings of all the monarchies of the terrestrial world, even if they (see note) could have all their commands followed by everyone, if it meant one single day outside Paradise. For there life endures forever, and there is the perfect and inestimable joy that ever was and ever will be. There, everything is established and certain for always, without end and without beginning, nor will there ever be need for any fear of death, nor of sickness, of sadness, agony, or fear, nor of anger, labor, pain, poverty, misery, or any hardship that might ever happen in any way in the world. None of that will be felt by the one who has his home in Paradise. Indeed there he will continually feel joy, consolation, lightness, blessedness, and all the delights and good things that will last forever without end. And he will have so much consolation that no one will be able to think, estimate, or recount it, however much he knows how to use his mind to understand what Paradise and Hell are, according to the presentation we have made above, and also what the firmament, the stars, and the seven planets are. I am showing you just after this a drawing from which you may derive much benefit if you are willing to apply your understanding to it.

for all the days of the world, lords and kings of all the
monarchies of the terrestrial world, even if they (see note) could
have all their commands followed by everyone, if it meant
one single day outside Paradise. For there life endures forever,
and there is the perfect and inestimable joy that ever was
and ever will be. There, everything is established and certain
for always, without end and without beginning, nor will
there ever be need for any fear of death, nor of sickness,
of sadness, agony, or fear, nor of anger, labor, pain, poverty,
misery, or any hardship that might ever happen in any
way in the world. None of that will be felt by the one who has
his home in Paradise. Indeed there he will continually
feel joy, consolation, lightness, blessedness, and all the delights
and good things that will last forever without end. And he
will have so much consolation that no one will be able to
think, estimate, or recount it, however much he knows how
to use his mind to understand what Paradise and Hell are,
according to the presentation we have made above, and
also what the firmament, the stars, and the seven planets are.
I am showing you just after this a drawing from which you may
derive much benefit if you are willing to apply your understanding to it.

Page 268

les jours de monde sires et roys de toute la monarchie du monde terrien et quil en peust faire tous ses comman demens par ung si que il fut ung seul jour hors de pa radis. Car la est la vie pardurable et la est la parfaite et inestimable joie qui oncques fut ne jamais sera. La est chascune chose establie et certaine a tousjours mais sans fin et sans commenchement ne jamais ne fauldra ne jamais naura aulcune doubtance de mort ne de maladie de doleur dangoisse ne de paour ne de courroz ne de traveil ne de paine ne de povrete ne de chaitivete ne de nulle tribulation qui jamais lui puissent adve nir en nulle maniere du monde qui en paradis aura sa mansion. Ainchois y sera continuellement en joie en soulaz en leese en benevrete et en tous delices et biens pardurables et sans nulle fin. Et si aura plus de conso lation que nul ne sauroit penser estimer ne racompter tant y sceust son engin emploier pour entendre quest de paradis et denfer selon nostre declaration dessusditte Et avec che le firmament et les estoilles et les sept pla nettes. Je vous presente ya aprees la figure a laquelle vous pourez moult prouffiter se y volez appliquier vostre entendement

les jours de monde sires et roys de toute la monarchie
du monde terrien et quil en peust faire tous ses comman
demens par ung si que il fut ung seul jour hors de pa
radis. Car la est la vie pardurable et la est la parfaite
et inestimable joie qui oncques fut ne jamais sera. La
est chascune chose establie et certaine a tousjours mais
sans fin et sans commenchement ne jamais ne fauldra
ne jamais naura aulcune doubtance de mort ne de
maladie de doleur dangoisse ne de paour ne de courroz
ne de traveil ne de paine ne de povrete ne de chaitivete
ne de nulle tribulation qui jamais lui puissent adve
nir en nulle maniere du monde qui en paradis aura
sa mansion. Ainchois y sera continuellement en joie
en soulaz en leese en benevrete et en tous delices et biens
pardurables et sans nulle fin. Et si aura plus de conso
lation que nul ne sauroit penser estimer ne racompter
tant y sceust son engin emploier pour entendre quest
de paradis et denfer selon nostre declaration dessusditte
Et avec che le firmament et les estoilles et les sept pla
nettes. Je vous presente ya aprees la figure a laquelle vous
pourez moult prouffiter se y volez appliquier vostre entendement


for all the days of the world, lords and kings of all the monarchies of the terrestrial world, even if he could have all his commands followed by everyone, if it meant one single day outside Paradise. For there life endures forever, and there is the perfect and inestimable joy that ever was and ever will be. There, everything is established and certain for always, but without end and without beginning, nor will there ever be need for any fear of death, nor of sickness, of sadness, agony, or fear, nor of anger, labor, pain, poverty, misery, or any hardship that might ever happen in any way in the world, none of that will be felt by one who has his home in Paradise. Indeed there he will continually feel joy, consolation, lightness, blessedness, and all the delights and good things that will last forever without end. And he will have so much consolation that no one will be able to think, estimate, or recount it, however much he knows how to use his mind to understand what Paradise and Hell are, according to the presentation we have made above, and also what the firmament, the stars and the seven planets are. I am showing you just after this a drawing from which you may derive much benefit if you are willing to apply your understanding to it.

for all the days of the world, lords and kings of all the
monarchies of the terrestrial world, even if he could
have all his commands followed by everyone, if it meant
one single day outside Paradise. For there life endures forever,
and there is the perfect and inestimable joy that ever was
and ever will be. There, everything is established and certain
for always, but without end and without beginning, nor will
there ever be need for any fear of death, nor of sickness,
of sadness, agony, or fear, nor of anger, labor, pain, poverty,
misery, or any hardship that might ever happen in any
way in the world, none of that will be felt by one who has
his home in Paradise. Indeed there he will continually
feel joy, consolation, lightness, blessedness, and all the delights
and good things that will last forever without end. And he
will have so much consolation that no one will be able to
think, estimate, or recount it, however much he knows how
to use his mind to understand what Paradise and Hell are,
according to the presentation we have made above, and
also what the firmament, the stars and the seven planets are.
I am showing you just after this a drawing from which you may
derive much benefit if you are willing to apply your understanding to it.