Page 17
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5 revisions | sajnisr at Feb 20, 2023 03:57 PM Page 17Longmeade 3-2-1912
The club met at Geo. A. Wilsons
3-2-1912 with the following members absent:
C. E. Bond, C. L. [?], J Lemar
Jackson, M. J. Bentley, and Arthur Stabler.
Their places well filled by the
following guests: [Chad?] Wilson, R. H
Miller, John Thomas, [?] Thomas,
Luther [?], Herbert and Albert
Wilson. Asa M. Stabler, appointed
at the last meeting to collect
dues for the Farmers Convention, was
not prepared to report in full.
Owing to the gross injustic of
[Histruist?] laws on Maryland farmers,
we were deprived of seeing one of
the [?] herd of cows ever owned
in this section. In place of the
cows, we saw a splendid lot of
cattle, 20 in all, which our [?]
was [forcing?] for an early market.
They are [?] stall fed with
11 lbs of cotton seed meal, one [?] of
ground cour and ensilage. In view
of the buying weights 1002 and
the time they have been on the farm
67 days our host has done remarkably
well with them. The secretary
was asked to make a special note
of the nermous supply of wood at
the wood pile. Several hundred
white [?] [bullets?] in [confolde?]
houses were much admired.
Malcom J [?] reported as
a delegate to the Antisaloon League
meeting at Rockville. Asa M.
Stabler spoke of being highly in
favor of abolishing the mortgage
tax of Montgomery Co. The subject
started a discussion between [?]
[?] and B. H. Miller which
threatened the [?] proceeding Longmeade 3-2-1912 Page 17 |