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4 revisions
marionberry234 at Sep 03, 2020 07:40 PM


432 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 8/84 by Frank Sale et al Ordered that a gas lamp be erected Corner South Second + Jackson Streets. Ordered that the Clerk be + is hereby authorized to procure a Tax Roll for the year 1884 also books for the Resistrar of Voters. Ordered that a Com tee be appointed to consult with the City Attorney + submit an Ordinance to provide for vacating the Cemetery in North Seattle. Referred to Com tee on Public Build= =ings, Property + Grounds. Ordered that the Clerk be + is hereby instructed to deliver to ]Frahm?] + Simpson Warrant No. 936 for $450.00 drawn on Madison Street Improvement Fund. Ordered that the Clerk be + is hereby instructed to publish in all Daily paper Ordinance No. 186.



Feb 8/84

by Frank Sale et al

Ordered that a gas lamp be erected Corner South Second
+ Jackson Streets.

Ordered that the Clerk be + is hereby authorized to procure
a Tax Roll for the year 1884 also books for the Resistrar of

Ordered that a Com tee be appointed to consult with the
City Attorney + submit an Ordinance to provide for vacating
the Cemetery in North Seattle. Referred to Com tee on Public Build=
=ings, Property + Grounds.

Ordered that the Clerk be + is hereby instructed to deliver
to ]Frahm?] + Simpson Warrant No. 936 for $450.00 drawn on
Madison Street Improvement Fund.

Ordered that the Clerk be + is hereby instructed to publish
in all Daily paper Ordinance No. 186.