(seq. 147)
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18 revisions | Ardilla at Apr 11, 2023 11:54 AM (seq. 147)Porri
The Seat of these
are in the Pudendum.
They are
occasioned by the
Veneral Disease
When Merc. Oint.
has been applied
they Dry and fall
of themselves but
when they are
Rooted Deep they
grow like Warts
in this case they
must be cut with
the Point of the [sciser?]
and a Pl. Merc. cum
Diach. c. gm applied Porri The Seat of these (seq. 147)Porri
The Seat of these
are in the Pudendum.
They are
occasioned by the
Veneral Disease
When Merc. Oint.
has been applied
they Dry and fall
of themselves but
when they are
Rooted Deep they
grow like Warts
in this case they
must be cut with
the Point of the [sciser?]
and a Pl. Merc. cum
Diach. c. Porri The Seat of these |