(seq. 20)
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96 revisionsArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillaArdillablackletterkate | Ardilla at Apr 15, 2023 08:12 PM (seq. 20)Angina or Quinzey
Definition This is an Inflamation of the Fauces and is attended with a
Fever and Burning Pain Tumour Redness und dificulty
of Breathing & Swallowing
1. Emet. Sal. Vit.
2. Ol. Amygd. d.
3 Cort. pe in Decoct. Chem. from Dr. Dunsmore
of [Lunning?] Burgh
Cure If a Diarrhea comes on an Infusion of Whey and Tamarinde is good
Cooling Nitrous Salts are good Mulberries and all Acids are proper
Keep the Throat moist and Nose clear.
Bleed. First in the Arm Afterwards in the Sublingual Vein vel in the
Juglar. Apply a [Vissacatory?] to the fore part of the Neck
Anoint the Inflamed part with the following Liniment
Rx. Mel. Rosar. q. v. Spir. Sulph. q. s. ad summum Acorem vel Sweet Flagg.
Then use the following Gargle
Rx. Aq. Plantag. & Sperm. Ranar. aa dr. jv. (vel Aq. Hord. oz. viij.) Rosar. Rub.
oz. jv. Album. Ovor. in aquam. agitando redact. No iij. Sacch [?] dr. ij.
M. F. Gargarisma
Rx. aq. Hord. lb. j Mell. oz. iij. ad pro re nata Spt. Sal. Ammoniac dr. ij. M. Or Rather
Rx Mixtur. Lact & Aq. lb. iss [Ficuum?] No ij. Coq. ad lb. j pro Gargas.
Rx. Ol. amygd. d. Zj. Ol. papav. alb. zj Camph. zss. M. anoint the Neck with this
Rx. Amygd. d. [Encorticat?]. No. v. Sem. Melon. pepon. aa zss Sem. papav.
alb. ziij. Aq. Hord. [?] Aq. Ros. zij. cum [?] q. s. Sacch. Cand. F. Emulsion
Capiat zjv. quarta quaque hora. give this Internally Angina or Quinzey Definition This is an Inflamation of the Fauces and is attended with a 1. Emet. Sal. Vit. Cure If a Diarrhea comes on an Infusion of Whey and Tamarinde is good Bleed. First in the Arm Afterwards in the Sublingual Vein vel in the (seq. 20)Angina or Quinzey
Definition This is an Inflamation of the Fauces and is attended with a
Fever and Burning Pain Tumour Redness und dificulty
of Breathing & Swallowing
1. Emet. Sal. Vit.
2. Ol. Amygd. d.
3 Cort. pe in Decoct. Chem. from Dr. Dunsmore
of [Lunning?] Burgh
Cure If a Diarrhea comes on an Infusion of Whey and Tamarinde is good
Cooling Nitrous Salts are good Mulberries and all Acids are proper
Keep the Throat moist and Nose clear.
Bleed. First in the Arm Afterwards in the Sublingual Vein vel in the
Juglar. Apply a [Vissacatory?] to the fore part of the Neck
Anoint the Inflamed part with the following Liniment
Rx. Mel. Rosar. q. v. Spir. Sulph. q. s. ad summum Acorem vel Sweet Flagg.
Then use the following Gargle
Rx. Aq. Plantag. & Sperm. Ranar. aa dr. jv. (vel Aq. Hord. oz. viij.) Rosar. Rub.
oz. jv. Album. Ovor. in aquam. agitando redact. No iij. Sacch [?] dr. ij.
M. F. Gargarisma
Rx. aq. Hord. lb. j Mell. oz. iij. ad pro re nata Spt. Sal. Ammoniac dr. ij. M. Or Rather
Rx Mixtur. Lact & Aq. [?] [Ficuum?] No ij. Coq. ad [?]j pro Gargas.
Rx. Ol. amygd. d. Zj. Ol. papav. alb. zj Camph. zss. M. anoint the Neck with this
Rx. Amygd. d. [Encorticat?]. No. v. Sem. Melon. pepon. aa zss Sem. papav.
alb. ziij. Aq. Hord. [?] Aq. Ros. zij. cum [?] q. s. Sacch. Cand. F. Emulsion
Capiat zjv. quarta quaque hora. give this Internally Angina or Quinzey Definition This is an Inflamation of the Fauces and is attended with a 1. Emet. Sal. Vit. Cure If a Diarrhea comes on an Infusion of Whey and Tamarinde is good Bleed. First in the Arm Afterwards in the Sublingual Vein vel in the |