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6 revisions | Barbara Schwartz at Apr 21, 2023 02:38 PM Page 26[Jo]urney of a Voyage from Sagh
Remarks on Sunday September 5 AD 1820
These 22 hours begins with fresh gales from
E by N at 1 PM saw ship to the Northward
saw one sperm whale Middle part & fresh breezes
Latter part light wind & foggy saw whales chast
[ E]mployd in ships duties so ends these 24 hours [ ]
Remarks On board Monday November 6th A D 1820
First part light breeses from ESE with small
rain at 3 lighted saw whales chasd Middle part
fresh winds from SE headed NE by E Latter part
fresh gales from SSE at 6 A M took in the fore
sail had greenwater so ends no Observation
Remarks on board Tuesday November 7th A D 1820
Firsy part fresh gales from SSE & cloudy saw
a ship to windward and reef in topsail head
ed to the west ward at 6 PM saw whales aplenty
Middle part more moderate Latter part fresh
breeses from SSE made sail & saw ship & steard
SW saw whales struck one the iron broke saw
2 ships Employd in whaling so end Lat 35.37 [Jo]urney of a Voyage from Sagh Remarks On board Monday November 6th A D 1820 Remarks on board Tuesday November 7th A D 1820 Page 26[Jo]urney of a Voyage from Sagh
Remarks on Sunday September 5 AD 1820
These 22 hours begins with fresh gales from
E by N at 1 PM more ship to the Northward
saw one sperm whale Middle part & fresh breezes
Latter part light wind & foggy saw whales chast
[ E]mployd in ships duties .. end .. these 24 hours [ ]
Remarks On board Monday November 6th A D 1820
First part light breeses from ESE with small
rain at 3 lighted saw whales chasd Middle [fran]
fresh winds fromSE headed NE by E Latter part
fresh gales from SSE at 6 A M took un the fore
sail had greenwater .. end no Observation
Remarks on board Tuesday November 7th A D 1820
Firsy part fresh gales from SSE & cloudy saw
a ship to windward and reef [ ] topsail head
ed to the west ward at 6 PM saw whales aplenty
Middle part more moderate Latter part fresh
breeses from SSE made sail & [were] ship & steard
SW saw whales [ ] saw
2 ships Employd in whaling .. end .. Lat 36.8 [Jo]urney of a Voyage from Sagh Remarks On board Monday November 6th A D 1820 Remarks on board Tuesday November 7th A D 1820 |