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5 revisions | davidlambert at May 25, 2023 02:51 AM FL4655859[Page 94]
Man to his Country, Neither
do I think Mr John Oxley, would
loose anything by consultation
with him, quite on the
contary. My great obect
in troubling you is to Solicit
you to advise and encourage
Mr H Oxley to place himself
at the Disposal of the District,
when the time arrives, I will
do my utmost to urge him
to do so. I feel I am trespassing
on tender ground and fear
I have taken a liberty by
writing, & I desire not to
appear as if anxious to
build interest for myself,
which [Page 94] Man to his Country, Neither FL4655859[Page 94]
Mace to his Country, Neither
do I think Mr John Oxley, would
loose anything by consultation
with him, quite on the
contary. My great obect
in troubling you is to Solicit
you to advise and encourage
Mr H Oxley to place himself
at the Disposal of the District,
when the time arrives, I will
do my utmost to urge him
to do so. I feel I am trespassing
on tender ground and fear
I have taken a liberty by
writing, & I desire not to
appear as if anxious to
build interest for myself,
which [Page 94] Mace to his Country, Neither |