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8 revisions | Barbara Schwartz at Jun 09, 2023 02:46 PM Page 27
arbor to Patagonia or elsewhere (this line continued from previous page)
Remarks on Wednesday November 8 A D 1820
First part light breeses from SSE saw whales
struck one cut from kin saw a number of whales
Middle and Latter part light breeses from [ ] North
ward at S W saw whales struck and killed [ ] at
& took her along side & began to cut at saw a
ship to windward Observation so end 24 hours
Remarks On board Thursday November 9th A D 1820
First part fine light breeses from NNW & North
at 1 PM finished Cuting struck & killed one & sunk
him at 5 PM spoke the abigail with 3 whales
Middle & Latter parts fresh breeses saw whales at
7 put off struck & killed One at 11 took her
along sid at 12 began to cut saw a number
of whales the abigail in sight Employd in
Cuting green water no Observation so ends
Remarks On board Friday November 10th AD 1820
First part fresh breeses from Portward at
5 PM finished Cuting and lighted the try
works Middle part fresh gales from N by E with
small rain Latter part strong gales from
SSW at 1 AM put out the tryworks & [Close]
reefd the [] topsail the Abigail in sight
Latt by Obs 35.52 so ends 24 hours
Remarks On board Thursday November 9th A D 1820 Remarks On board Friday November 10th AD 1820 Page 27
arbor to Patagonia or elsewhere (this line continued from previous page)
Remarks on Wednesday November 8 A D 1820
First part light breeses from SSE saw whales
struck one cut from kin saw a number of whales
Middle and Latter part light breeses from [ ] North
ward at S W saw whales struck and killed [ ] at
& took her along side & began to cut at saw a
ship to windward Observation so end 24 hours
Remarks On board Thursday November 9th A D 1820
First part fine light breeses from NNW & North
at 1 PM finished Cuting struck & killed one & sunk
him at 5 PM spoke the abigail with 3 whales
Middle & Latter parts fresh breeses saw whales at
7 put off struck & killed One at 11 took her
along sid at 12 beganto cut saw a number
of whales the abigail in sight Employd in
Cuting green water no Observation so ends
Remarks On board Friday November 10th AD 1820
First part fresh breeses from Portward at
5 PM finished Cuting and lighted the try
works Middle part fresh gales from N by E with
small rain Latter part strong gales from
SSW at 1 AM put out the tryworks & [Close]
reefd the [] topsail the Abigail in sight
Latt by Obs 35.52 so ends 24 hours
Remarks On board Thursday November 9th A D 1820 Remarks On board Friday November 10th AD 1820 |