Seint Dunston was of enguelonde : i-come of guode more.
Miracle ore louerd dude for him : þe ȝuyt he was un-bore.
For þo he was in his moder wombe : In a candel-masse day,
Þat folk was muche at churche : ase hit to þe tyme lay:
As huy stoden alle with heore liȝt : riȝt also men stondeth ȝuyt nou,
heore liȝt queincte ouer-al : þat no mon nuste hou;
here þat liȝt barnde swiþe wel : and here it was al oute.
Þat folk stod al in gret wonder : and weren in grete doute,
And bispeken ech to oþur : in ȝwuche manere it were
Þat it queinte so sodeinliche : al þat liȝt þat huy bere.
Also huy stoden and þarof speken : in gret wonder ech-on,
Seint Dunstones moder taper : a-fuyre werth a-non
Þat heo huld in hire hond— : heo nuste ȝwannes it cam.
Þat folk stod and þat bihuld : and gret wonder þar-of it nam;
No man nuste fro whannes it cam : bote þoru ore louerdes grace.
Þarof huy tenden alle heore liȝt : þat weren in þe place.
Ȝwat was þat, þat ore louerd crist : fram heouene þat liȝt sende
And þat folk þat þare stode aboute : heore taperes þarof tende,
Bote þat of þulke holi child : þat was in hire wombe þere
Al enguelond scholde beo iliȝt : bet þane hit euer er were?—
Þo þis child was i-bore : his freond nomen þer-to hede,
huy leten hit do to Glastingburi : to norischci and to fede,
And to techen him his bileue al-so : his pater noster and crede.
Þat child wax and wel i-þevȝ : ase it moste nede.
To þe world he nam luyte ȝeme : for to alle godnesse he drouȝ;
Ech man þat heorde of him speke : hadde of him ioye i-novȝ.
Þo he couþe mannes wit : to his vncle he gan go,
Þe Erchebischop of caunterburi : Aldelm þat was þo.
With him he maude ioye i-novȝ : and euere þe leng þe more,
Þo he i-sei of his guodnesse : and of his wise lore.
For gret deinte þat he hadde of him : he dude him sone bringue
To þe prince of Engelond : Aþelston þe kyngue.