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7 revisions
KDase at Aug 18, 2023 07:34 PM


his fadir and his modir : in þe ioie of heuen on hye aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere so myche of his priuyte : þe while he on lyue were as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day when he bi his lyue : so myche of heuen saye herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough a day as he sate in his solace : a myri lay on his harpe he drough þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were þe harpe him self bigan to syn a myry steuen ywis þat men synge in holi chirche : englisshe it is þis alle halwen soules be glad : þan heuen be do þat suyd oure lordes weye : anhad her blode for him also ffor his suete loue : þerfore þha wone and knyghtes be withoutten ende : with goddes sone þis anteme was ful myry : as þe folc harde alle Þe harpe songe it bi þe self : it he bi þe walle ffaire grace oure lord shewed him deed tree so shulde synge of þat ioie . lord herid be þi grate : and þi þat þou woldest for him here o When þis holi man had lyued and his ende was nye as god On holi thursday he bicome sel he lete sende aftir alle his fi hem þat him serued eke : he and forgaf hem alle þe tresp and assoiled hem of her synne and so he lay in his stronge eny and lete hem clepe þe satreday : bifalle and bad hem alle haue good day his leeue of alle 120 · xly· de sancto Dunstanis. ypstinche Gaudent in celio drime sanctoum

his fadir and his modir : in þe ioie of heuen on hye
aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye
Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere
so myche of his priuyte : þe while he on lyue were
as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght
he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light
Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne
þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne
Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe
þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe
wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day
when he bi his lyue : so myche of heuen saye
herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough
a day as he sate in his solace : a myri lay on his harpe he drough
þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete
and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete
and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere
and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were
þe harpe him self bigan to syn [...] a myry steuen ywis
þat men synge in holi chirche : [...] englisshe it is þis
alle halwen soules be glad : þa[...]n heuen be do
þat suyd oure lordes weye : an[...]had[...] her blode for him also
ffor his suete loue : þerfore þ[...]ha[...] wone
and knyghtes be withoutten ende : with [...] goddes sone
þis anteme was ful myry : as þe folc harde alle
Þe harpe songe it bi þe self : [...] it h[...]e bi þe walle
ffaire grace oure lord shewed him [...] deed tree
so shulde synge of þat ioie . [...]
lord herid be þi grate : and þi [...]
þat þou woldest for him here o[...]
When þis holi man had lyued [...]
and his ende was nye as god [...]
On holi thursday he bicome sel[...]
he lete sende aftir alle his fi[...]
hem þat him serued eke : he [...]
and forgaf hem alle þe tresp[...]
and assoiled hem of her synne[...]
and so he lay in his stronge eny[...]
and lete hem clepe þe satreday : [...] bifalle
and bad hem alle haue good day [...] his leeue of alle

· xly·
de sancto Dunstanis.}

{Gaudent in celio
drime sanctoum}


his fadir and his modir : in þe ioi of heuen on hye aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere so myche of his prinyte : þe while he on lyue weree as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day when he bi his lyne : so myche of heuen saye herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough a day as he sate in his solare : a myri lay on his harpe he drough þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were þe harpe him self bigan to syn a myry steuen ywis þat men synge in holi chirche : englisshe it is þis alle halwen soules be glad : þan heuen be do þat suyd oure lordes weye : anhad her blode for him also ffor his suete loue : þerfore þha wone and knyghtes be withoutten ende : wit goddes sone þis anteme was ful myry : as þe fo harde alle Þe harpe songe it bi þe self : it he bi þe walle ffaire grace oure lord shewed him deed tree so shulde synge of þat ioie . lord herid be þi grate : and þi þat þou woldest for him here o When þis holi man had lyued and his ende was nye as god On holi thursday he bicome sel he lete sende aftir alle his fi hem þat him serued eke : he and forgaf hem alle þe tresp and assoiled hem of her synne and so he lay in his stronge eny and lete hem clepe þe satreday : bifalle and bad hem alle haue good day his leeue of alle 120 · xly· de sancto Dunstanis. ypstinche Gaudent in celio drime sanctoum

his fadir and his modir : in þe ioi of heuen on hye
aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye
Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere
so myche of his prinyte : þe while he on lyue weree
as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght
he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light
Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne
þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne
Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe
þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe
wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day
when he bi his lyne : so myche of heuen saye
herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough
a day as he sate in his solare : a myri lay on his harpe he drough
þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete
and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete
and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere
and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were
þe harpe him self bigan to syn [...] a myry steuen ywis
þat men synge in holi chirche : [...] englisshe it is þis
alle halwen soules be glad : þa[...]n heuen be do
þat suyd oure lordes weye : an[...]had[...] her blode for him also
ffor his suete loue : þerfore þ[...]ha[...] wone
and knyghtes be withoutten ende : wit [...] goddes sone
þis anteme was ful myry : as þe fo[...] harde alle
Þe harpe songe it bi þe self : [...] it h[...]e bi þe walle
ffaire grace oure lord shewed him [...] deed tree
so shulde synge of þat ioie . [...]
lord herid be þi grate : and þi [...]
þat þou woldest for him here o[...]
When þis holi man had lyued [...]
and his ende was nye as god [...]
On holi thursday he bicome sel[...]
he lete sende aftir alle his fi[...]
hem þat him serued eke : he [...]
and forgaf hem alle þe tresp[...]
and assoiled hem of her synne[...]
and so he lay in his stronge eny[...]
and lete hem clepe þe satreday : [...] bifalle
and bad hem alle haue good day [...] his leeue of alle

· xly·
de sancto Dunstanis.}

{Gaudent in celio
drime sanctoum}