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7 revisions | KDase at Aug 18, 2023 07:34 PM 5his fadir and his modir : in þe ioie of heuen on hye
aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye
Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere
so myche of his priuyte : þe while he on lyue were
as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght
he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light
Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne
þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne
Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe
þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe
wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day
when he bi his lyue : so myche of heuen saye
herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough
a day as he sate in his solace : a myri lay on his harpe he drough
þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete
and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete
and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere
and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were
þe harpe him self bigan to syn his fadir and his modir : in þe ioie of heuen on hye {120 5his fadir and his modir : in þe ioi of heuen on hye
aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye
Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere
so myche of his prinyte : þe while he on lyue weree
as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght
he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light
Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne
þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne
Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe
þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe
wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day
when he bi his lyne : so myche of heuen saye
herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough
a day as he sate in his solare : a myri lay on his harpe he drough
þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete
and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete
and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere
and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were
þe harpe him self bigan to syn his fadir and his modir : in þe ioi of heuen on hye {120 |