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3 revisions
Bev D. at Aug 23, 2023 07:09 PM




universities, not by junior colleges, but by post-secondary tech-
nical high schools, by evening schools, correspondence and exten-
sion courses, but best of all by technical institutes in the industrial
centers. This work in the school for industries or the technical
institute is summarized in the study (using largely the words of
the report):

(1) as post-secondary but distinct in character from a college
or a university;

(2) as designed to train men and women in the area between
the skilled crafts and the highly scientific professions, a fair num-
ber of whom advance to the professional status;

(3) as meeting the needs of those who through previous or col-
lateral experience in industry have found their bearings and de-
sire intensive preparation for chosen lines of progress; and

(4) as characterized by direct methods of teaching, emphasizing
doing rather than study; and

(5) as following in its scheme of instruction the actual usage
of industry rather than that of professional engineering schools.

The conclusion reached in this study for the society is to the
effect that, as a general rule, such training does not belong in
the engineering school or in a college or university but can best
be provided in technical institutes. To make such a school of
college or university grade unfits it, it is pointed out, to meet
these needs of industries and causes it to duplicate either the
engineering school or the school of business administration or
both with less effectiveness than either. I am clearly a layman
in this matter but I cannot by such light as I have as yet make
a recommendation for the establishment of a school of industries
counter to the conclusions of the studies of the Society for the
Promotion of Engineering Education. Our real question is whether
we shall as a policy have within the University one engineering
school or two engineering schools on the college level.

In the deliberations of the administrative council the main con-
sideration has been given to the basic question of allocation of
functions. One member, with clear and penetrating analysis, pro-
posed as educationally sound and financially economical allocation
of functions according to major functions, with provision for such
minor functions as are necessary and incidental to the major
functions. For example, engineering might be a major function
of State College and a minor function of the University at Chapel
Hill. Business administration likewise might be a major function
of the University at Chapel Hill and a minor function of State




universities, not by junior colleges, but by post-secondary tech-
nical high schools, by evening schools, correspondence and exten-
sion courses, but best of all by technical institutes in the industrial
centers. This work in the school for industries or the technical
institute is summarized in the study (using largely the words of
the report):

(1) as post-secondary but distinct in character from a college
or a university;

(2) as designed to train men and women in the area between
the skilled crafts and the highly scientific professions, a fair num-
ber of whom advance to the professional status;

(3) as meeting the needs of those who through previous or col-
lateral experience in industry have found their bearings and de-
sire intensive preparation for chosen lines of progress; and

(4) as characterized by direct methods of teaching, emphasizing
doing rather than study; and

(5) as following in its scheme of instruction the actual usage
of industry rather than that of professional engineering schools.
The conclusion reached in this study for the society is to the
effect that, as a general rule, such training does not belong in
the engineering school or in a college or university but can best
be provided in technical institutes. To make such a school of
college or university grade unfits it, it is pointed out, to meet
these needs of industries and causes it to duplicate either the
engineering school or the school of business administration or
both with less effectiveness than either. I am clearly a layman
in this matter but I cannot by such light as I have as yet make
a recommendation for the establishment of a school of industries
counter to the conclusions of the studies of the Society for the
Promotion of Engineering Education. Our real question is whether
we shall as a policy have within the University one engineering
school or two engineering schools on the college level.

In the deliberations of the administrative council the main con-
sideration has been given to the basic question of allocation of
functions. One member, with clear and penetrating analysis, pro-
posed as educationally sound and financially economical allocation
of functions according to major functions, with provision for such
minor functions as are necessary and incidental to the major
functions. For example, engineering might be a major function
of State College and a minor function of the University at Chapel
Hill. Business administration likewise might be a major function
of the University at Chapel Hill and a minor function of State