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3 revisions | Bev D. at Aug 23, 2023 07:09 PM 219CONSOLIDATED UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 7 universities, not by junior colleges, but by post-secondary tech- (1) as post-secondary but distinct in character from a college (2) as designed to train men and women in the area between (3) as meeting the needs of those who through previous or col- (4) as characterized by direct methods of teaching, emphasizing (5) as following in its scheme of instruction the actual usage The conclusion reached in this study for the society is to the In the deliberations of the administrative council the main con- 219CONSOLIDATED UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 7 universities, not by junior colleges, but by post-secondary tech- (1) as post-secondary but distinct in character from a college (2) as designed to train men and women in the area between (3) as meeting the needs of those who through previous or col- (4) as characterized by direct methods of teaching, emphasizing (5) as following in its scheme of instruction the actual usage In the deliberations of the administrative council the main con- |