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4 revisions | hminbrd at Sep 09, 2023 11:33 PM Page 4946
Leawood Mill 5-29-93
held here, with vivid recollections of the
muddy tide [?] which those in attend
ance at theat time waded on there way
Very little viewing of the surroundings could
be done owing to the general moisture
outside. Our hosst seemed justified in
in the quiet satisfaction he manifessted
with the prospect of a small vegetable
garden, and in the neatly-kept lawn.
Some interest was taken in a few skins
of wild animals, rattlesnake insects & [a?]
captured in [?]. A nest of guinea pigs
called forth exclamations from the ladies
and a halter broken cat that showed no
sense of humiliation, but rather con
ceit, purring lovely as he was put on
exhibition, received no sympathy, neither
did anyone propose to try the treatment.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read, followed by a discussion fo asparagus
in the garden stage, and from the cooks
standpoint, but nothing especially
new was elicited.
The appearance of young ladies with
small tables prepared the way for a
banded supper, conclusive proof was
46 held here, with vivid recollections of the Very little viewing of the surroundings could The minutes of the last meeting were The appearance of young ladies with Page 4946
Leawood Mill 5-29-93
held here, with vivid recollections of the
muddy tide [?] which those in attend
ance at theat time waded on there way
Very little viewing of the surroundings could
be done owing to the general moisture
outside. Our hosst seemed justified in
in the quiet satisfaction he manifessted
with the prospect of a small vegetable
garden, and in the neatly-kept lawn.
Some interest was taken in a few skins
of wild animals, rattlesnake insects & [a?]
captured in [?]. A nest of guinea pigs
called forth exclamations from the ladies
and a halter broken cat that showed no
sense of humiliation, but rather con
ceit, purring lovely as he was put on
exhibition, received no sympathy, neither
did anyone propose to try the treatment.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read, followed by a discussion fo asparagus
in the garden stage, and from the cooks
standpoint, but nothing especially
new was elicited.
The appearance of young ladies with
small tables prepared the way for a
banded supper, conclusive proof was
46 held here, with vivid recollections of the Very little viewing of the surroundings could The minutes of the last meeting were The appearance of young ladies with |