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3 revisions | KC at Sep 22, 2023 03:44 PM 6Thos T(?) Joel Bolton
George S (Illegible) Hugh Eagan
John Rea Wyatt Bettes
Anderson (Illegible) Alexander Howard
Wm D(?) ( W.O.?) Brevard
James Cooke Rolly Orgain
John Smith James Talley
Robert Smith Lewis Graves
Nathaniel (Rice?) Alex'd Provine
Zachariah Griffith David Ozment
Wm. Roach (Davies/Davis?) (Illegible)
A(?) Elliott A. J. Crawford
Thos. Gregory (Illegible) Burge
Benjamin (Illegible) Tompson Clemmons
Henry (Illegible) Rober Chandler
David Moses
A.P. Richmond Thos T(?) Joel Bolton 6 |