3 revisions | Sab005 at Nov 09, 2023 02:34 PM 125123
Pursuing nothing worth your while."
The world of men as well as I,
All sects from North pole to the Nile;
From East to West, when made to die,
Will say to live was not worth while.
One thing is sure in mortal's lot,
The product of dame nature's soil,
Tis Death;- and if to live is rot -
To die must surely be worth while.
But who are they? if some there are,
(That I the whole may not revile,)
Whose acts & deeds have been so fair,
Who'l say, "to die will be worth while."
All who have read the word of God,
Tho' like to strangers in exile,
And faithful in its precepts trod;
Can say to die will be worth while.
The few who find the narrow gate,
And all are said to find who try,
They will in truth, say soon or late,
We're glad;- 'tis worth our while to die.
His good deeds few & far between;
Not seen in front view or profile;
Who wrote these lines has ever seen
Than life to him, death more worth while.
While thus in measure has been made
Some lines, in fair poetic style;
That truth by them might be convey'd,
The Author finds it not worth while. 125123
Pursuing nothing worth your while."
The world of men as well as I,
All sects from North pole to the Nile;
From East to West, when made to die,
Will say to live was not worth while.
One thing is sure in mortal's lot,
The product of dame nature's soil,Tis Death;- and if to live is rotTo
die must surely be worth while,
But who are they? if some there are,
(That I the wholo may not revile,)
Whose acts & deeds have been so fsir,
..ho'l say, "to dio will be worth while."
All who have read the word of God,
Tho' like to strangers in exile,
And faithful in its precepts trod;
Can say to die will be worth while.
The few who find the narrow gate,
*nd all are said to find who try,
They will in truth, say soon or late,
We're glad;- H i s worth our while to die.
His good deeds few & far between;Dt seen in front view or profile;
»'»ho wrote these lines has over seen
Than life to him, death rriore worth while.
»<hile thus in measure has been made
Some lines, in fair poetic style;
That truth by them mi^ht be convey'd,
The Author finds it not worth while. |