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7 revisions
TKMorris at Nov 10, 2023 08:31 PM


meetings & to convene a special meeting
of the board of officers, within 24
hours, if called on by a written application
signed by two (2) members of the
Board & a special meeting of the
Congregation within ten (10) days if requested
by similar application signed by five [ten]
Five (5) members provided the application
states the purpose for which the
respected meeting shall be Convened.

Part 7
Duties of the Vice President
Sec I The Vice President shall act as
president in the absence of the latter
he shall attend synagogue at the
stated time of divine Service, on every
Sabbath & Holy day & assist the President
in performance of his duties.

Duties of the Secretary
Sec I The Secretary shall keep a Record
of the proceedings of the Congregation
& Board of officers, keep correct accounts
between the congregation & its members
he shall receive every description of
revenue belonging to the Congregation
pay the same over to the Treasurer,
taking his receipt for such, he shall
draw all orders on the Treasurer

page 7

meetings & to convene a special meeting
of the board of officers, within 24
hours, if called on by a written application
signed by two (2) members of the
Board & a special meeting of the
Congregation within ten (10) days if requested
by similar application signed by five [ten]
Five (5) members provided the application
states the purpose for which the
respected meeting shall be Convened.

Part 7
Duties of the Vice President
Sec I The Vice President shall act as
president in the absence of the latter
he shall attend Synagouge, [synagogue] at the
stated time of devine [divine] Service, on every
Sabath [Sabbath] & Holy day & assist the President
in performance of his duties

Duties of the Secratary
Sec I The Secratary shall keep a Record
of the proceedings of the Congregation
& Board of officers, keep correct accounts
between the congregation & its members
he shall receive every description of

rivanue [revenue] belonging to the Congregation
pay the same over to the Treasurer,
taking his receipt for such, he shall
draw all orders on the Treasurer