Page 071


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4 revisions
Genesie Miller at Nov 20, 2023 07:27 PM

Page 071

Motioned by John Trantzen, seconded by Abram Acord that the
field gates be put in each field ^ ditch at the expense of those interested
to the acceptance of the Head water master.
Thursday April 18th 1878. 7 O clock P.M.
Council at tything office. Opening Prayer by Lauritz Larsen.
Minutes of of the Last meeting read and accepted.
Ten Dollars and twenty cents were appropriated for the purchase of
of a work entitled "Lillon on Municipal Corporations"; For the use of the
City Council of Spring City.
Motioned and carried that the Ordinance "No. 4 the criminal code"
and ordinance No. 81 "Prohibiting the sale of Spiritous Liquors" be
revised. Lauritz Larsen and John Schofield were appointed to execute
the same. James Christesen's tax of $1.97 100 for the year 1877 was
remitted. Closing Prayer by Ramus Justesen.
Adj; till Tuesday April 30th/ 78. 7 OC. P.M.
Thursday April 30 th 1887 7 Oclock P.M.
The council in session at the Tithing office. Prayer by C.G Larsen.
Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.
The following Resolutions were passed by the council viz.
That all taxable property withing the corporate limits of Spring City
should be taxed at (1.4) one fourth of one per cent for the year 1878
upon the following caluation of property. viz
Or Land owned from five to eight dolls. per acre. Improvements on
public lands according to their value. City lots with houses thereon
from fifty to four hundred dolls. Hone teams with harness from fifty to
one hundred dolls per span. Oxen from 40 to fifty dolls. per yoke. Cows 12 1/2
dolls. per head. Three years steers 12 1/2 dolls. per head. Two years [old 7] dolls.
One year old 3 dolls. per head. Sheep 2 dolls per head.
Waggons from (70) seventy dolls down.

Page 071

Motioned by John Trantzen, seconded by Abram Acord that the
field gates be put in each field ^ ditch at the expence of thore interested
to the acceptance of the Head water master.
Thursday April 18th 1878. 7 O clock P.M.
Council at tything office. Opening Prayer by Lauritz Larsen.
Minutes of of the Last meeting read and accepted.
Ten Dollars and twenty cents were appropriated for the purchase of
of a word entitled "Lillon on Municipal Corporations"; For the use of the
City Council of Spring City.
Motioned and earried that the Ordinance "No. 4 the eriminal code"
and ordinance No. 81 "Prohibiting the sale of Spiritous Liquors" be
revised. Lauritz Larsen and John Schofield were appointed to execute
the same. James Christesen's tax of $1.97 100 for the year 1877 was
remitted. Closing Prayer by Ramus Justesen.
Adj; till Tuesday April 30th/ 78. 7 OC. P.M.
Thursday April 30 th 1887 7 Oclock P.M.
The council in session at the Tithing office. Prayer by C.G Larsen.
Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.
The following Resolutions were passed by the council viz.
That all taxable property withing the corporate limits of Spring City
should be taxed at (1.4) one fourth of one per cent for the year 1878
upon the following caluation of property. viz
Or Land owned from five to eight dolls. per acre. Improvements on
public lands according to their value. City lots with houses thereon
from fifty to four hundred dolls. Hone teams with hamess from fifty to
one hundred dolls per span. Oxen from 40 to fifty dolls. per yoke. Cows 12 1/2
dolls. per head. Three years steers 12 1/2 dolls. per head. Two years [old 7] dolls.
One year old 3 dolls. per head. Sheep 2 dolls per head.
Waggons from (70) seventy dolls down.