Page 072


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3 revisions
Genesie Miller at Nov 20, 2023 07:29 PM

Page 072

Licenses upun dogs to paid in cash of its equivalent.
Closing prayer by John Schofield
Adjourned till Thursday 16th/ 78 7 O clock P.M.
Tuesday May 16th/78 & O clock P.M.
The council in session at the tithing office.
Prayer by John Schofield. Minutes of the last meeting read and accept
On petition of Henry W. Puzey, one rod north of his wagon
shop was granted his to lay waggons & parts of wagons
and wagon materials for reparing wagons during the
The petition of J. N. Allred of James P. Allred and Hans C. H.
Beck as Committee, asking the removal of a flame across canal
creek, erected by James M. Black and others, was laid on the table
till further information has been obtained.
Closing Prayer by C.W. Moore. Adj. till Wednesday May 29th 7 O clock PM 1878.
Wednesday May 29th/78 7 O clock P.M.
Council in session at the tithing office.
Opening prayer by C. W. Moore. Minuets of last meeting read
and accepted.
Resolved by the council that the time of assessing and
making returns of tax list for the year 1878 be extended from
the firsst day of June to the fifteenth day of September.
The mayor voas (?) requested to procure from Ephraim City a copy
of an ordinance regarding Municipal Elections.
James A. Allred and Lauritz Larsen were appropriated as a
committee to draft a bill for an ordinance regarding
Municipal Elections in Spring City. The petition of Gov. W.
Brough & five other asking the privilage of water for their Gardens was
laid on the table. Closing prayer by Hemming Hansen. Adjounment Sine Die.

Page 072

Licenses upun dogs to paid in cash of its equivalent.
Closing prayer by John Schofeild
Adjourned till Thursday 16th/ 78 7 O clock P.M.
Tuesday May 16th/78 & O clock P.M.
The counsil in session at the tithing office.
Prayer by John Schofeild. Minutes of the last meeting read and accep
On petition of Henry W. Puzey, one rod north of his wagon
shop was granted his to lay waggons & parts of wagons
and wagon materials for reparing wagons during the
The petition of J. N. Allred of James P. Allred and Hans C. H.
Beck as Committee, asking the removal of a flame across canal
creek, erected by James M. Black and others, was laid on the table
till further information has been obtained.
Closing Prayer by C.W. Moore. Adj. till Wednesday May 29th 7 O clock PM 1878.
Wednesday May 29th/78 7 O clock P.M.
Coundil in session at the tithing office.
Opening prayer by C. W. Moore. Minuets of last meeting read
and accepted.
Resolved by the counsil that the time of assessing and
making returns of tax list for the year 1878 be extended from
the firsst day of June to the fifteenth day of September.
The mayor voas (?) requested to procure from Ephraim City a copy
of an ordinance regarding Municipal Elections.
James A. Allred and Lauritz Larsen were appropriated as a
committee to draft a bill for an ordinance regarding
Municipal Elections in Spring City. The petition of Gov. W.
Brough & five other asking the privilage of water for their Gardens was
laid on the table. Closing prayer by Hemming Hansen. Adjounment Sine Die.