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6 revisions
sfemet at Feb 17, 2024 01:09 AM


in their affliction and [??ble] loss Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the record of our congregation, and a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of our departed sister Respectfully submitted. S. Wasserman, S. Lavenson, L. Phillips, Committee. Committee on roof and sundries reported that we have attended to all the duties. On motion the report be received and committee discharged. The following bills were allowed: Rev. Dr. Block salary $ 100.00 M.Wilson " 35.00 M.Mohns taking care of cemetary 15.00 Cooper organist 20.00 Hebrew B. Ch. 10.00 M. Wilson & Brooms .80 Capitol Gas Co. for gas 2.40 D. Gardner 1 cord wood 8.50 Advertising Record [??] 1.50 Jacob F. Schmidt chopping wood 3.00 -------------------- total$ 246.20 No further business [? appearing ] the meeting adhourned. S. Morris Secretary Financial Statement Balance in Treasury $ 48.55 Received during the month from collector 217.50 ------------------------- Total $265.05 Balance in Treasurey $ 1885

in their affliction and [??ble] loss

Resolved that this resolution be spread upon
the record of our congregation, and a copy
thereof be transmitted to the family of our departed sister

Respectfully submitted.
S. Wasserman, S. Lavenson, L. Phillips, Committee.

Committee on roof and sundries reported that
we have attended to all the duties.
On motion the report be received and committee discharged.

The following bills were allowed:
Rev. Dr. Block salary $ 100.00
M.Wilson " 35.00
M.Mohns taking care of cemetary 15.00
Cooper organist 20.00
Hebrew B. Ch. 10.00
M. Wilson & Brooms .80
Capitol Gas Co. for gas 2.40
D. Gardner 1 cord wood 8.50
Advertising Record [??] 1.50
Jacob F. Schmidt chopping wood 3.00
total$ 246.20

No further business [? appearing ] the meeting adhourned.
S. Morris Secretary

Financial Statement
Balance in Treasury $ 48.55
Received during the month from collector 217.50
Total $265.05

Balance in Treasurey $ 1885


in their affliction and [??] loss Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the record of our congregation, and a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of our departed sister Respectfully submitted. S [? Wasserman] S. Lavenson, L. Phillips, Committee. Committee on roof and sundires reported that we have attended to all the duties. On motion the report be received and committee disxcharged. The following bills were allowed: Rev. Dr. Block salary $ 100.00 M.Wilson " 35.00 M.Mohns taking care of cenetary 15.00 {?Cooper] organist 20.00 Hebrew B [??] 10/00 M. Wilson & Brooms .80 Capitol Gas Co. for gas 2.40 D. Gardner 1 cord wood 8.50 Advertising Record [??] 1.50 Jacob F. Schmidt chopping wood 3.00 -------------------- total$ 246.20 No further business [? appearing ] the meeting adhourned. S. Morris Secretary Financial Statement Balance in Treasury $ 48.55 Received during the month from collector 217.50 ------------------------- Total $265.05 Balance in Treasurey $ 1885

in their affliction and [??] loss

Resolved that this resolution be spread upon
the record of our congregation, and a copy
thereof be transmitted to the family of our departed sister

Respectfully submitted.
S [? Wasserman] S. Lavenson, L. Phillips, Committee.

Committee on roof and sundires reported that
we have attended to all the duties.
On motion the report be received and committee disxcharged.

The following bills were allowed:
Rev. Dr. Block salary $ 100.00
M.Wilson " 35.00
M.Mohns taking care of cenetary 15.00
{?Cooper] organist 20.00
Hebrew B [??] 10/00
M. Wilson & Brooms .80
Capitol Gas Co. for gas 2.40
D. Gardner 1 cord wood 8.50
Advertising Record [??] 1.50
Jacob F. Schmidt chopping wood 3.00
total$ 246.20

No further business [? appearing ] the meeting adhourned.
S. Morris Secretary

Financial Statement
Balance in Treasury $ 48.55
Received during the month from collector 217.50
Total $265.05

Balance in Treasurey $ 1885