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katjaesme at Mar 08, 2024 03:17 AM

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Year: 1930
Name of Deceased: First and MiddleName of Deceased: LastAddress of DeceasedPlace of DeathPhysicians Name: First and MiddlePhysicians Name: LastAge at Death (Year)Date of Death (Month)Date of Death (Day)Name of Beneficiary: First and MiddleName of Beneficiary: Last Address of BeneficiaryTo Whom Paid: First and MiddleTo Whom Paid: LastCause of Death
VioletteMurdockJacobsville Md.University HospitalW.P.Onley32Sept26WilliamMurdockPassadena Md.WilliamMurdockpregnancy postpartum hemorrhage
ThorntonDunsonBrooklyn A.A.C. Md.Brooklyn Md.Harry E.Melvin47Sept3DorieSlark117 D. Hill Ave.DorieSlarksuicide by hanging
Mary E.Nash1406 Fairmount Ave.John Hopkins Hospl.J.J.France52Sept30JohnCharity1514 E. Fairmount Ave.JohnCharityaccident run over by auto
Wm. H.Lee805 N. Caroline St.Balto. City HospitalF.M.Duckwall63Sept27RosieLee805 N. Caroline St.RosieLeecarcinoma of stomach [and] bronchopneumonia
MaryCarter1922 Penna. Ave.1922 Penna. Ave.E. Wm.Frey49Oct2SallieLewis1036 W. Lexington St.SallieLewiscarcinoma of uterus
MaryWilsonCambridge R.2 Box 47Cambridge Md.Thos. L.Cole60Oct1AnniePonderCambridge Md.AnniePondersenility [and] acute bronchitis
Sam'lJacksonShewood RoadShewood Rd.S.W.Bishop69Oct3SophiaKell932 Warner St.SophiaKellacute cardiac dilatation
FlorenceWatkins506 W. Cross St.816 W. Lexington St.D.Franklin30Oct2SarahButler506 W. Cross St.SarahButlerlobar pneumonia
Mamie PoarchMack670 W. Fairmount Ave.670 W. Fairmount Ave.J.L.Shelton57Oct6MamieFarmer733 Dolphin St.MamieFarmervalvular heart disease
MaryFoster716 N. Durham St.716 N. Durham St.J.S.H.Potter48Oct7DennisFoster716 N. Durham St.DennisFostercardio vascular disease
MaryBush136 Dolphin St.1508 Madison Ave.R.J.Young36Sept20Wm.Bush136 Dolphin St.Wm.Bushinterstitial nephritis
Benj.Hendricks743 Dolphin St.West Balto. Gen. Hospl.F.C.Link48Oct8GertrudeHendricks743 Dolphin St.GertrudeHendricksmeningitis
CelesteSaunders1607 E. Monument St.Provident HospitalF.C.Link52Oct8Chas. E.Butler1607 E. Monument St.Chas. E.Butlercerebral hemorrhage
GosnoldWheelerOzeana Va.Ozeana Va.N.Deshazer42Aug30LeanaJohnson205 Poppleton St.LeanaJohnsonpulmonary tuberculosis
JamesCorseyRidge Md.Ridge Md.J.V.King62Aug12RosieUnkleRidge Md.RosieUnklenephritis
Margaret L.Cook2016 Druid Hill Ave.2016 Druid Hill Ave.A. LeeEllis40Oct14ElsieDavis2016 D. Hill Ave.ElsieDavispulmonary embolism
JohnTaylor254 N. Arlington Ave.254 N. Arlington Ave.Chas. A.Brooks47Oct13Mabel TaylorChase728 Dolphin St.Mabel TaylorChasemyocardial insufficiency
MaryMarshall1419 Orleans St.1419 Orleans St.Wm. H.Cargill31Oct16HarrisonMarshall1419 Orleans St.HarrisonMarshalllobar pneumonia
WalterGibson1727 N. Carey St.Balto. City HospitalPaulPadget52June16KateSmith615 Dolphin St.KateSmithchronic nephritis
Laura C.Booker24 N. 37th St. Phila Pa.24 N. 37th St. Phila Pa.T.H.Balter44Oct17EllaColtman24 N. 37th St. Phila Pa.EllaCottmanmitral regurgitation
EllenSayles1444 E. Monument St.Balto. City HospitalPaulPadget83Oct17JaneWilson1444 E. Monument St.JaneWilsonarteriosclerosis [and] cerebral senils-psychosis
AndrewRobertsDames Quarter Md.Dames Quarter Md.E.P.Simpson69Oct16AlleanWright1820 Elting St.AlleanWrightchronic nephritis ex [laustron?]
MidianParnellSalisbury Md.611 Poplar Hill Ave. Salisbury Md.G.H.Sembly79Oct10Phineas E.Gordy611 Polar Hill Ave. Salisbury Md.Phineas E.Gordygeneral debility & hemiplegia
HenryHoliday1222 Argyle Ave.John Hopkin Hospl.J.O.Washington55Oct19MaggieHoliday1222 Argyle Ave.MaggieHolidaymyocardial failure
LouisaBowie1521 Myrtle Ave.1521 Myrtle Ave.J.C.Crossey42Oct23BasilGarrettRilgy PO Md.BasilGarrettgastitis [and] coronary occlusion

Year: 1930

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Violette Murdock Jacobsville Md. University Hospital W.P. Onley 32 Sept 26 William Murdock Passadena Md. William Murdock pregnancy postpartum hemorrhage
Thornton Dunson Brooklyn A.A.C. Md. Brooklyn Md. Harry E. Melvin 47 Sept 3 Dorie Slark 117 D. Hill Ave. Dorie Slark suicide by hanging
Mary E. Nash 1406 Fairmount Ave. John Hopkins Hospl. J.J. France 52 Sept 30 John Charity 1514 E. Fairmount Ave. John Charity accident run over by auto
Wm. H. Lee 805 N. Caroline St. Balto. City Hospital F.M. Duckwall 63 Sept 27 Rosie Lee 805 N. Caroline St. Rosie Lee carcinoma of stomach [and] bronchopneumonia
Mary Carter 1922 Penna. Ave. 1922 Penna. Ave. E. Wm. Frey 49 Oct 2 Sallie Lewis 1036 W. Lexington St. Sallie Lewis carcinoma of uterus
Mary Wilson Cambridge R.2 Box 47 Cambridge Md. Thos. L. Cole 60 Oct 1 Annie Ponder Cambridge Md. Annie Ponder senility [and] acute bronchitis
Sam'l Jackson Shewood Road Shewood Rd. S.W. Bishop 69 Oct 3 Sophia Kell 932 Warner St. Sophia Kell acute cardiac dilatation
Florence Watkins 506 W. Cross St. 816 W. Lexington St. D. Franklin 30 Oct 2 Sarah Butler 506 W. Cross St. Sarah Butler lobar pneumonia
Mamie Poarch Mack 670 W. Fairmount Ave. 670 W. Fairmount Ave. J.L. Shelton 57 Oct 6 Mamie Farmer 733 Dolphin St. Mamie Farmer valvular heart disease
Mary Foster 716 N. Durham St. 716 N. Durham St. J.S.H. Potter 48 Oct 7 Dennis Foster 716 N. Durham St. Dennis Foster cardio vascular disease
Mary Bush 136 Dolphin St. 1508 Madison Ave. R.J. Young 36 Sept 20 Wm. Bush 136 Dolphin St. Wm. Bush interstitial nephritis
Benj. Hendricks 743 Dolphin St. West Balto. Gen. Hospl. F.C. Link 48 Oct 8 Gertrude Hendricks 743 Dolphin St. Gertrude Hendricks meningitis
Celeste Saunders 1607 E. Monument St. Provident Hospital F.C. Link 52 Oct 8 Chas. E. Butler 1607 E. Monument St. Chas. E. Butler cerebral hemorrhage
Gosnold Wheeler Ozeana Va. Ozeana Va. N. Deshazer 42 Aug 30 Leana Johnson 205 Poppleton St. Leana Johnson pulmonary tuberculosis
James Corsey Ridge Md. Ridge Md. J.V. King 62 Aug 12 Rosie Unkle Ridge Md. Rosie Unkle nephritis
Margaret L. Cook 2016 Druid Hill Ave. 2016 Druid Hill Ave. A. Lee Ellis 40 Oct 14 Elsie Davis 2016 D. Hill Ave. Elsie Davis pulmonary embolism
John Taylor 254 N. Arlington Ave. 254 N. Arlington Ave. Chas. A. Brooks 47 Oct 13 Mabel Taylor Chase 728 Dolphin St. Mabel Taylor Chase myocardial insufficiency
Mary Marshall 1419 Orleans St. 1419 Orleans St. Wm. H. Cargill 31 Oct 16 Harrison Marshall 1419 Orleans St. Harrison Marshall lobar pneumonia
Walter Gibson 1727 N. Carey St. Balto. City Hospital Paul Padget 52 June 16 Kate Smith 615 Dolphin St. Kate Smith chronic nephritis
Laura C. Booker 24 N. 37th St. Phila Pa. 24 N. 37th St. Phila Pa. T.H. Balter 44 Oct 17 Ella Coltman 24 N. 37th St. Phila Pa. Ella Cottman mitral regurgitation
Ellen Sayles 1444 E. Monument St. Balto. City Hospital Paul Padget 83 Oct 17 Jane Wilson 1444 E. Monument St. Jane Wilson arteriosclerosis [and] cerebral senils-psychosis
Andrew Roberts Dames Quarter Md. Dames Quarter Md. E.P. Simpson 69 Oct 16 Allean Wright 1820 Elting St. Allean Wright chronic nephritis ex [laustron?]
Midian Parnell Salisbury Md. 611 Poplar Hill Ave. Salisbury Md. G.H. Sembly 79 Oct 10 Phineas E. Gordy 611 Polar Hill Ave. Salisbury Md. Phineas E. Gordy general debility & hemiplegia
Henry Holiday 1222 Argyle Ave. John Hopkin Hospl. J.O. Washington 55 Oct 19 Maggie Holiday 1222 Argyle Ave. Maggie Holiday myocardial failure
Louisa Bowie 1521 Myrtle Ave. 1521 Myrtle Ave. J.C. Crossey 42 Oct 23 Basil Garrett Rilgy PO Md. Basil Garrett gastitis [and] coronary occlusion

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