Page 3


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11 revisions
arav at Mar 29, 2024 03:12 PM

Page 3

Sandy Spring, May 6th, 1900 [Deaunh?] - I hardly know how to take hold - everything is so different from yesterday where we were together. I am less than half when I [land] my old man. But "Courage" is the word "[ches nous?]," and in are [hurh?] - going to worry each other wich endures regrets [hahtginst en?] the enemy [eide?] and rejoice that our life is [so?] face of love. I must [ake?] than if I did [hash-con-hot?] myself life a have give [yanker?] day hwen my hands was headening within me. I [lorheed?] of ["slalee- enlamd"?]

Sandy Spring,
May 6th, 1900
[Deaunh?] -
I hardly know how to take hold -
everything is so different from
yesterday where we were together.
I am less than half when I [land] my
old man. But "Courage" is the
word "[ches nous?]," and in are [hurh?] -
going to worry each other wich
endures regrets [hahtginst en?] the
enemy [eide?] and rejoice that
our life is [so?] face of love.

I must [ake?] than if I did [hash-con-hot?]
myself life a have give [yanker?]
day hwen my hands was headening
within me. I [lorheed?] of ["slalee-

Page 3

2005.0028.00029 Sandy Spring, May 6th, 1900 [Deaunh] - I hardly know how to take hold - everything is so different from yesterday where we were together. I am less than half when I [land] my old man. But "Courage" is the word "[ches nous]," and in are [hurh] - going to worry each other wich

Sandy Spring,
May 6th, 1900
[Deaunh] -
I hardly know how to take hold -
everything is so different from
yesterday where we were together.
I am less than half when I [land] my
old man. But "Courage" is the
word "[ches nous]," and in are [hurh] -
going to worry each other wich