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2 revisions
meeganrb at Mar 29, 2024 09:45 PM


Tennessee /[illegible]. In your certificate as President
of your [illegible] you do not [illegible] that secure [illegible]
from other Columbia is the Tennessee [illegible]
the two parts of (termination?) of your [illegible] under
the charter have been finished. [illegible] certify that
about nine [illegible] of the Columbia Central
Turnpike are competition. The terms about [illegible]
[illegible] are vague and indefinite [illegible] as
it states in your certificate whether the part of
the road which is finished is at the termination
of the (ward?) commencing at Columbia or on the
Tennessee River. As your certificate as President
of your [illegible] is the only official document upon
which the Executives can act in asserting the
[illegible] contemplated by the act of your [illegible]
to [illegible] the road and make [illegible] you will
perceive the [illegible] which [illegible] of conforming
in your certificate strictly to the [illegible] of
the act of incorporation. It shoudl be stated that
seven [illegible] of the [illegible x2] are of