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8 revisions
Deborah Gordon at Apr 15, 2024 04:41 PM


Regular Meeting Sacramento, December 6th, 1899 The Board of Officers met in the synagogue at 8 P.M. Mr. Albert Elkus, president, presiding. Roll called and absences noted. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Communication for Miss Sophie Price, thanking the officers and members of the congregation for the prayer books for services rendered in the choir, which had been cheerfully given, and will continue to assist in the future. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. Communication from the Ladies Auxiliary Society offering to donate $75.00 for the purpose of assisting to buy a new carpet for the synagogue. The communication was ordered received, and the secy. instructed to communicate with the Ladies Auxiliary Society thanking them for their kind offer and to ask them to appoint a committee to select a carpet and to submit the sample to the president of this Board who would then call a special meeting and submit the proportions to the Board. The committee who was appointed to communicate with the various appliants for Rabbi reported progress. On motion the secretary was instructed to send a letter of thanks to Rev. [Silcox??] for the able lecture delivered to the synagogue on Friday evening 1st inst. The following monthly salaries were ordered paid and warrants drawn on the treasurer for the amounts. M. Wilson 40.00 Mr. Mohn 15.00 Mrs. Hanly 10.00 Mrs. Ross 10.00 The following bills were read and ordered paid City and County taxes 35.45 Expenses Mr. O. [?] 12.00 122.45

Regular Meeting

Sacramento, December 6th, 1899

The Board of Officers met in the synagogue at 8 P.M.
Mr. Albert Elkus, president, presiding.
Roll called and absences noted.

Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read
and approved.

Communication for Miss Sophie Price, thanking the officers
and members of the congregation for the prayer books for
services rendered in the choir, which had been cheerfully
given, and will continue to assist in the future.
The communication was ordered received and placed on file.

Communication from the Ladies Auxiliary Society
offering to donate $75.00 for the purpose of assisting
to buy a new carpet for the synagogue.

The communication was ordered received, and the secy.
instructed to communicate with the Ladies Auxiliary
Society thanking them for their kind offer and to
ask them to appoint a committee to select a
carpet and to submit the sample to the president
of this Board who would then call a special meeting
and submit the proportions to the Board.

The committee who was appointed to communicate
with the various appliants for Rabbi reported progress.

On motion the secretary was instructed to send a letter
of thanks to Rev. [Silcox??] for the able lecture delivered
to the synagogue on Friday evening 1st inst.

The following monthly salaries were ordered paid
and warrants drawn on the treasurer for the amounts.
M. Wilson 40.00
Mr. Mohn 15.00
Mrs. Hanly 10.00
Mrs. Ross 10.00

The following bills were read and ordered paid
City and County taxes 35.45
Expenses Mr. O. [?] 12.00
