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7 revisions
BellamyMartin at Apr 18, 2024 11:56 PM


20 An Excellent receipt for a Child that hath ye ricketts A Fan The Bath Take a black sheeps head put to it 3 galons of running water, red sage red. speedwell of each a handfull put in a handfull full of linnen raggs boyle these till ye flesh com from the bons of ye head then put it in an earthen pott & stop it close & bath ye child from ye wast downeward all ye the reines his back with ye third part of this liquid which must not be strained but ye ingredients & all so warm as ye childe can endure it this proporsion is for 3 nights together & you may make it twice a month at ye beginning & ending if the childes weaknesse be much The oyntment belonging to A Fan Take a pound of butter out of the churn beat ye milk clears from it then take speedwell, wormwood, rue alehoofe, featherfew, red sage, red fennell camomell, mayden hysop, cleaves, hartes tongue, millelott, Lavander Dill, vervane, fox ferne, setwell, brooklime, water-Cresses. cleane all these Very well & bauing bruis'd boyle them in ye butter when it begins to boyle, put in halfe a quarter of an ounce of Mace & halfe a pint of the strongest muskedine, boyle it on a soft fire for an houre, then streine it through a course canvas & keep it for ye use, close stopt when it is gold with this oyntmt. you must anoint ye sides, ye back bone, the thighs & ye Anckles, during ye time you annoint ye child which should be ever after bathing, you must keep the child rapt in a thin white cotton Cloth made like a large long smock to cover ye infant, it is likewise very good if ye child uses motion by being swung, or otherwise as is proper to ye Age therof.

An Excellent receipt for a Child
that hath ye ricketts
{A Fan}
The Bath
Take a black sheeps head put to it 3 galons of
running water, red sage red[]. speedwell
of each a handfull put in a handfull full of linnen raggs
boyle these till ye flesh com from the bons of ye head
then put it in an earthen pott & stop it close & bath
ye child from ye wast downeward all ye the reines
his back with ye third part of this liquid which must
not be [strained] but [] ye ingredients & all so warm
as ye childe can endure it this proporsion is for 3
nights together & you may make it twice a month at
ye beginning & ending if the childes weaknesse be much

The oyntment belonging to []
{A Fan}
Take a pound of butter out of the churn beat ye
milk clears from it then take speedwell, wormwood,
rue alehoofe, featherfew, red sage, red fennell camomell,
mayden hysop, cleaves, hartes tongue, millelott, Lavander
Dill, vervane, fox ferne, setwell, brooklime, water-Cresses.
cleane all these Very well & [bauing] bruis'd
boyle them in ye butter when it begins to boyle, put in
halfe a quarter of an ounce of Mace & halfe a pint
of the strongest muskedine, boyle it on a soft fire for
an houre, then streine it through a course canvas
& keep it for ye use, close [stopt] when it is gold with this
oyntmt. you must anoint ye sides, ye back bone, the
thighs & ye Anckles, during ye time you annoint ye child
which should be ever after bathing, you must keep the
child rapt in a thin white cotton Cloth made like
a large long smock to cover ye infant, it is likewise very
good if ye child uses motion by being swung, or otherwise
as is proper to ye Age therof.


An Excellent receipt for a Child that hath of ricketts A Fan The Bath Take a black sheeps head put to it 3galons of running water, red sage red. speedwell of each a handfull put in a full of linnen raggs boyle these till the flesh com from the bonsof the head then put it in an earthen pott & stop it close & bath of child from the wast downeward all but the reines his back with a third part of this liquid which must not be strained but ingredients & all so warm as the childe can endure it this proporsion is for 3 nights together & you may make it twice a month at the beginning & ending if the childes weaknesse be much The oyntment belonging to A Fan Take a pound of butter out of the churn the milk clears from it then take speedwell, wormwood, rue alehoofe, featherfew, red sage, red fennell camomell, mayden hysop, cleaves, hartes tongue, millelott, Lavander Dill, vervane, fox ferne, setwell, brooklime, water-Cresses. cleane all these Very well & bruis'd boyle them in the butter when it begins to boyle, put in halfe a quarter of an ounse of Mace & halfe a pint of the strongest muskedine, boyle it on a soft fire for an houre, then streine it through a course canvas and keep it for the use, close stopt when it is with this oyntm. you must amoit the sides of the back bone & thingss & the hands.... the you annoint the child with should be even after bathing, you must keep the child rapt in a thin white cotton Cloth made like a large long to couer the infant, it is likewise very good if the child uses motion by being swung, or otherwise as is proper to the Age therof.

An Excellent receipt for a Child
that hath of ricketts
{A Fan}
The Bath
Take a black sheeps head put to it [3]galons of
running water, red sage red[]. speedwell
of each a handfull put in a [] full of linnen raggs
boyle these till the flesh com from the bonsof the head
then put it in an earthen pott & stop it close & bath
of child from the wast downeward all but the reines
his back with [a third] part of this liquid which must
not be [strained] but [] ingredients & all so warm
as the childe can endure it this proporsion is for 3
nights together & you may make it twice a month at
the beginning & ending if the childes weaknesse be much

The oyntment belonging to []
{A Fan}
Take a pound of butter out of the churn [] the
milk clears from it then take speedwell, wormwood,
rue alehoofe, featherfew, red sage, red fennell camomell,
mayden hysop, cleaves, hartes tongue, millelott, Lavander
Dill, vervane, fox ferne, setwell, brooklime, water-Cresses.
cleane all these Very well & [] bruis'd
boyle them in the butter when it begins to boyle, put in
halfe a quarter of an ounse of Mace & halfe a pint
of the strongest muskedine, boyle it on a soft fire for
an houre, then streine it through a course canvas
and keep it for the use, close [stopt] when it is [] with this
oyntm. you must amoit the sides of the back bone &
thingss & the [hands....] the []you annoint the child
with should be [even] after bathing, you must keep the
child rapt in a thin white cotton Cloth made like
a large long [] to couer the infant, it is likewise very
good if the child uses motion by being swung, or otherwise
as is proper to the Age therof.