Page 5

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2 revisions
EllaDeer at Apr 19, 2024 07:16 AM

Page 5

very wise thing to get this journey over. he forbids riding and orders absolute quiet until this flow, what- ever it is, ceases. He does not think it can be the water bag - has given me a tonic, and I think every thing will be all right. The country is very lovely - full of hte color of budding trees and fruit- blossoms; but I can only half enjoy for the best of me mentally seems left with thee. Dearie - I am so thankful that we love each other and are married, and though the separations are heart breaking they will end soon I hope & think. Just one of the trials which mould us. I feel that thee will be able to work better now that thee knows that I am on the way to being all right. This sweet, country air makes me feel better already

very wise thing to get this journey
over. he forbids riding and orders
absolute quiet until this flow, what-
ever it is, ceases. He does not think
it can be the water bag - has
given me a tonic, and I think
every thing will be all right. The
country is very lovely - full of hte
color of budding trees and fruit-
blossoms; but I can only half enjoy
for the best of me mentally seems
left with thee. Dearie - I am so
thankful that we love each other
and are married, and though the
separations are heart breaking they
will end soon I hope & think.

Just one of the trials which mould
us. I feel that thee will be able
to work better now that thee knows
that I am on the way to being
all right. This sweet, country air
makes me feel better already

Page 5