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6 revisions
mkdouthit at May 07, 2024 07:32 PM



We traveled about thirty-three and a third miles a day, two hundred
miles a week and rested on Sunday.

The stock lived on grass as we had no feed for them.

The next station we came to was Fort Laramie. It was five hundred
miles from Rubedeaux and there was a bunch of soldiers there.

While we had our wagon there was a bunch of soldiers traveling
along near us. One rode up to our wagon and offered four dollars for
a pint of whiskey. There was no house or anything to be seen except
the caravan before and behind us, but we traveled faster than the wagons
and soon got near the front of the emigration.

The next place was Fort Hoodyear. There was nothing there except
a tent and Indian tents around. Goodyear was a trader who had married
an Indian woman. We crossed the South Platte and still went up the
south side of North Platte. We crossed over in wagon boxes made tight
and swam the animals.

Then we went up Sweet Water and saw what is called Devil's Gate,
where the Sweet Water came thru a deep canon and is quite a fall.
After traveling a while, we came to the Rocky Mountains where is Inde-
pendence Rock, with many thousands of names put on the rock, either
chiseled or put on with paint. We put ours on with paint. We crossed
the Rocky Mtn. at South Pass, six thousand feet above sea level.

We came to Green river where we swam the mules. It was very full
and ran like a streak of day light. One mule nearly drowned. There
were lots of people crossing, and by helping we got to cross over in
